Has Someone Been Rugged? 😳 My Actifit Report Card: May 24 2024

in Actifitlast month (edited)

“Has someone been RUGGED Lol? “ 😳
“It looks like we are headed towards Jun-u-ary Silvertop! “🥰
Cot starts moving closer to the wood stove when the house starts getting colder…..😻
“ My boy, Dad’s going to brave the drizzling rain, and try stacking firewood, I will build a fire later! “😇
“ Liz, do you want to tell Cot that there isn’t a fire burning in the woodstove right now Lol! “ ☺️
Fire wood stacking didn’t last long………
The rain went from a drizzle, to a cloudburst….. Silvertop headed indoors!😅
Silvertop has been planning on moving one of his Alt Crypto bags” for quite some time……….with a cold rain coming down, today was a good day!
Horizen (ZEN) had a free Crypto faucet for a long time. I used this free faucet everyday, and linked this to the desktop Horizen Sphere “Hot wallet”.
The faucet ended a while back, and I just let this very small amount, 0.82 ZEN $7.77 USD sit…………………….
Liz, also had been using this same free faucet on her computer.
I figured just move Liz and Silvertop’s ZEN to our Ledger cold storage…………
It only $7.77 worth of Zen on my hot wallet, I’ll just send it all!😊
“ Transaction FAILED OVERSIZED ! “😳
How can this small amount be oversized?🙄
“ Silvertop is it really worth the trouble for such a small amount? “ 🥰
Hmmm……… Silvertop loves a challenge!
The rain continued, and so did Silvertop!🤔
I opened a support ticket on Discord, I started researching………..
What I found surprised me…………
This free faucet deposited hundreds of very small fractions of ZEN.
The way one person on line explained it, if I had made a large deposit of say 10 ZEN, I could withdraw an equal amount. Because these “Free” deposits were very tiny I needed to withdraw a tiny amount first…….🤔
0.01 Zen…… success!
0.05 ZEN…….success!
0.1 ZEN……..success!
Finally I was able to withdraw from the full amount! 🤗
Thankfully the transaction fees are also very small 0.0001
“ Cot and PEPE, it looks like no one got “Rugged” today Lol! “ 😅
Remember “ Not your keys, Not your Crypto! “ and sometimes not your Crypto even with your keys Lol!😇

Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,House Chores,Hiking



11k step is very good and your weather ☁️ photography is so beautiful I like it

Thank you my friend, have a wonderful weekend!!🤗


I didn’t know about ZEN but I know something about faucets. I’m using till now one of it, but I don’t know how i will get my crypto when I will withdraw them.

Anyway, happy that you can get back it!


Always so much to learn in crypto my friend!🙄
Definitely something to consider, and think about in the future, apparently bitcoin works the same way.😮

Nicely stacked firewood. And I agree about the challenge, I used to faucet all the time, and sometimes it's tricky. Like getting erc tokens onto a main net, that can be tricky too!

I think most of my SHIB$ came from converting doge i got from a faucet.

Sounds like a good swap of doge to SHIB$ 😊
Apparently, this same thing could happen on other block chains, including bitcoin, if you were to do a lot of very small deposits!
Of course nobody’s going to do tiny deposits or withdrawals on main chain bitcoin Lol!😇

That's ridiculous that you have to do that, but at least you got it to transfer. Keep up the good exercise, and the great pictures. Did it rain much?

Nothing but cold rain today, a good shopping day with the Mrs!🥰
I was just wanting to move this small amount of ZEN to cold storage!🙄
Information to file away for other small amounts in the future ……
Enjoy your weekend, my friend!

Stack them... cryptos and firewood, and yes... silver and gold!!

Absolutely @silversaver888!🤗
Our oldest son was picking up stereo equipment in town. I said did you know you were right across the street from the local coin shop?
He missed a stacking opportunity Lol!🤣😇