Reflections! 😎 My Actifit Report Card: May 22 2024

in Actifitlast month (edited)

Reflections! 😎
Five wheelbarrow loads of top soil, and another five loads of gravel, Silvertop was bushed!😅
I took a break, and as usual I checked my iPhone……….
Crypto news…………with a bipartisan approval vote, FIT21 has passed in the House!👍
Another step forward towards clear rules for crypto in the U.S. 🤗
Crypto is here to stay, and so is Silvertop!😊
It seems just like yesterday that I made my first @actifit post……………
November 11 2018 😊
“ No photos Silvertop Lol? “ 🥰
Liz and Silvertop had actually been posting since April of that year!
Posting turned to ASIC Crypto mining, and day trading……..
Cot also became enthralled with Crypto, and the sound of “HIS” ASIC Crypto miners winding up Lol! 😻
Hiking began as a way to help strengthen a nagging bad back.
It was one of the smartest things I have done……. next to Marrying my best friend!🥰
Along the way Liz and I discovered hiking friendships, like Joan in the sixth photo…
Joan passed over a year ago……. she is still missed by everyone in the neighborhood!😍
On the blockchain, we discovered a community of like minded Precious Metal Stackers, and friendships across the miles like @silversaver888, @kerrislravenhill, from up North, and across the big pond ( don’t tell PEPE🐸 ) @welshstacker!
Someone’s looking sad……….
Well it is time for a hike!😎
Right after I check the Crypto markets on my iPhone…….
One more time!😇
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores


You know what they say.....time flies when you're having fun!💕

Way too fast Liz!!🥰


Nice hike! What coin are you mining these days? Is your internet connection fast enough to mine as well as you would like?

Keep on stacking that crypto and some silver, I'm hoping it stays above $30!

I’m crossing my fingers that they let silver stay above $30 as well time will tell Lol😇
Surprisingly, my Internet does very well with these ASIC miners, they run on solar electric, mining ZEC, ZEN, KMD, and ARRR 😊

If it's all from solar it's a great profit margin, just internet cost and equipment maintenance. That's awesome!

Exactly, during the dark days of winter, I turn off the miners!😇

Congratulations @silvertop! You received a personal badge!

Happy Hive Birthday! You are on the Hive blockchain for 6 years!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

What 5 years can do! I feel very close the Liz and you (although I am always late in replying!).

That’s so very sweet @silversaver888!😍


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@silversaver888(3/15) tipped @silvertop