Living the Wild Life! 😺 My Actifit Report Card: May 15 2024

in Actifit2 months ago (edited)

Living the wild life!😊
“ Cot, what do you see? “ 😺
Only moments earlier I received a text from my daughter-in-law…………..
“ Silvertop, did you hear on the news that a large male Cougar was spotted stalking two household Cats today down by Seattle! “ 😳
She was very concerned about me hiking alone while Liz was at work!😬
As I one finger texted back that I always carry Bear Spray, Cot was stalking this deer standing just outside out patio door!😻
“ Baby boy, that deer is so much larger than you Lol!😇
We call this “Kitty television” Lol!😻
Just this morning, as Silvertop was answering some comments on our blockchain, we had two baby deer , and three adult females walk slowly past our windows!😊
Apparently, we are a deer sanctuary Lol!!
The fourth photo, is a popular spot for both cougars and bear!😮
Numerous times we have spotted scat in this high mountain Meadow!
Last year, at this spot, Silvertop was hiking alone, not really paying attention to anything, when less than fifty feet in front of me sat a very large male Black Bear!🐻
He shuffled sideways, getting a good look at Silvertop……………..
I did the same only SLOWLY in reverse!😳
I couldn’t help but snap a photo……
I used this photo on one of my post last year…..
Apparently, he did not like the sound of the camera shutter!
Or maybe he did, and just wanted to come see what kind of strange sounds this silly human was making!😇
Nope…….. that’s not going to happen!😮
I continued backing up VERY slowly, until I was completely out of his sight!
Then Silvertop picked up the pace!😅
Bear spray……….
Further down the trail I discovered that I couldn’t remember how to take the safety off the bear spray!🤔
That’s never going to happen again Lol!😇
Always test your equipment my friends, Silvertop learned a very valuable lesson that day!
When hiking alone, Silvertop sticks to open trails and mountain meadows……..
This affords you the opportunity to make a slow but steady escape IF needed!😇
I headed out the door, and left Cot glued to the patio door, stalking HIS prey, his tail swishing back and fourth!😻
“ You keep an eye on that deer little one, Dad’s going hiking! “😊
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores


They're out there.......watching! 😳


Celebrate wild life, throw a party.

And keep the cats indoors for now, just in case.

Cot likes to LOOK outside, but it’s nap time….. he doesn’t want to go outside Lol!😻🤣😊
