My Actifit Report Card: June 20 2024 - Sunshine on Hold: A Summer Solstice Story

in Actifit17 days ago

Every year, the summer solstice seems like a watershed day, full of hope for long, bright days ahead.

But looks like Mother Nature had other plans for this years summer.


Summer solstice is the official start of summer, but the thermometer disagreed.

And stayed at a 18 degrees Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit).

What a waste of that perfect lunch break on the terrace!

Any aspirations of relaxing outside were dashed when the sun retreated behind a heavy layer of clouds, even after work.

However, next week is always an option, right?

Although the weather prediction suggests nicer weather, I know better than to get my expectations up because I live in the Netherlands.

Summer might be a transient guest here.

I've kept my summer clothes and winter necessities in my closet just in case, because you never know what the weather in the Netherlands will bring!


Discovering Sunshine in Odd Places

Although the day didn't go exactly how I had envisioned for the summer solstice, it wasn't terrible either.

Using my trusty water bottle, I went for a short walk to work to kick out the day.

This helped me stay hydrated and focused on a goal I've been working on: consuming more water throughout the day.

Small steps, right?


Making Magic at School

At school, our day began as usual, with most groups using daily routine cards to give the children a sense of predictability and security.

It's amazing how these simple cards can bring so much peace to the classroom.


Excitement is in the air as summer break approaches!

For the final party, the kids are hard at work rehearsing their songs and dances.

Crafting beautiful outfits is part of the fun, with this vibrant bluebird crown being a clear favorite.


Naturally, a school day wouldn't be complete without some outdoor activities.

Thank goodness the weather cooperated long enough for us to play outside without coats.

It makes me happy to see the kids communicate, work together, and encourage one another.


Even the school garden is feeling the summer vibes.

The recent sunshine has helped the strawberry bushes thrive, and a little more sun will result in berries that are bursting with taste.


When he got home, my son proudly displayed his most recent invention—a lamp he had constructed at school out of a tin can and a coat hanger!

He scored an impressive 8/10 for his ingenuity.

A Slight Detour

As I mentioned earlier, a slight headache decided to put a damper on my summer solstice plans.

It started in the afternoon and worsened by the time I sat down to write this blog.

Opting for a good night's sleep over pushing through the discomfort, I crawled into bed, hoping for a fresh start in the morning.

The summer solstice brought glimpses of sunshine, unexpected moments that made the day wonderful, despite the unfavorable weather and the fact that a headache was not on the schedule.

Let's search for the sun, wherever it may be!

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Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

@meraki7578 💚

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