My Actifit Report Card: June 6 2024 - A Busy Bee's Day

in Actifitlast month

My son and I started our day in very different vehicles.


He climbed into his bright new lesson car, buzzing with pre-test jitters (his intermediate exam is on August 13th!).

Meanwhile, I settled into my trusty old Golf, heading to my second home - school.

The day promised sunshine and the sweet promise of the weekend.

As I helped out in a colleague's classroom, the room buzzed with Father's Day craft activity.


The kids decorated socks, which represent the Dutch phrase “Day you are my hero (on socks)!" - a sentiment I'm sure will be proudly displayed by many dads.

Resisting Temptation and Reaching for Goals

10:00 am brought a though challenge.

A coworker offered a delicious strawberry shortcake for their birthday.


It was a difficult decision, but I graciously said no.

My new regimen of exercise and good food has already helped me lose 1.5 kg of weight!

Regaining my weight prior to being admitted to the hospital is my ultimate goal.

My ultimate goal is to get back to my pre-hospitalization weight.

Resisting the shortcake felt like a small victory, but it had a big impact on my self-esteem.

Lately, the weight gain has made me self-conscious.

I avoid photos, hide in the background, and dread video calls, even with loved ones.

I know I can't hide forever, so I put on a brave face and keep going.

At school, there's no hiding - the kids are a constant source of energy!


Thankfully, the long rainy spell has finally broken, and the sunshine has brought out the t-shirts, outdoor toys, and endless laughter.

Exercising My Right and Getting Ready to Celebrate

After a long day (10 hours!), I headed out to vote in the European Parliament elections.


Voting is a right, not an obligation, but one I take seriously, especially considering the people, and especially women, who are denied this opportunity.

To finish the day, I tackled the inside of my windows (the outside awaits tomorrow!).


After all, I'm hosting a huge party for my son on Saturday, and I want the place to look spick and span.

With a healthy step count and a sense of accomplishment, I called it a night.

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Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

@meraki7578 💚

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Is on discord.gif

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Uh... Can I get this cake ? 😄👌👌👌😋☕🍰🍰🍰