My Actifit Report Card: June 3 2024 - A Day of Calm, Until...

in Actifitlast month

As I stirred dinner, my mind wandered over the day.

It had been a peaceful one: no school drama, no unexpected events, just smooth sailing.


Even with the little ones, everything revolved around the excitement of Father's Day preparations.

The atmosphere continued in the afternoon with the older kids.

We drew pictures together, and the latest hits filled the air from the music box on the table, creating a cozy vibe.


We sang along, and gradually, the school emptied as parents came to pick up their children.

Leaving work, a contented sigh escaped my lips.

Perfect day, I thought.

Did I jinx it by calling it a perfect day before it was over?

At home, my boys know the rules.

There aren't many, but the ones we have are important.

When dinner's ready, I call them once (making sure they hear me), expecting them to come.

Dinnertime is consistent, so it shouldn't be a surprise.

Tonight, however, one son had different plans.

Despite acknowledging the dinner call, he hadn't arrived after an hour.

And no this has nothing to do with my cooking skills. 😂

In fact, meatballs and spinach is one of his favorite dishes.


While I'm not easily angered, disappointment set in.

This isn't a restaurant with 24/7 service.

We have rules, and everyone needs to follow them.

So, after dinner with my other son, I cleaned up.

Leftovers went to our dog, Funs (who enjoyed a delicious meatball!), and the rest went to compost.

Hopefully, this consequence sent a clear message.

But let's not dwell on negativity.

On to a new day, with new opportunities and possibilities.

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Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

@meraki7578 💚

Hive 2.jpg

Is on discord.gif

Hive 2.jpg

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