My Actifit Report Card: May 27 2024 - Finding Positivity on a Busy Day

in Actifitlast month

We all have those days that blur by in a rush.

We reach the end wondering where the time went and what we even accomplished.

For this reason, it's critical to pause and think back, focusing particularly on the advantages and educational opportunities.

This morning, the news declared May the wettest in Dutch history.

Yet, stepping outside, I felt a surge of optimism.


The sky was gray but dry, the temperature pleasant, and the day held promise.

At least it wouldn't be the wettest Monday ever!

Unpleasant but necessary chores might come with change.

That is exactly what I worked on this morning.


I shredded old files and reorganized, creating a sense of calm amidst the occasional chaos of school.

A big difference makes a tidy workspace.


The afternoon remained dry, and I took the opportunity to go to the playground with a colleague and our children.


The kids reveled in the freedom – swinging on rings, scaling the climbing frame, building sandcastles, and discovering hidden flowers.


And when one of my students surprised me with a flower my heart melted.


An immense meaning hold these small gestures.

I couldn't resist looking up at the sky during the day to watch the ominous clouds pass by.

As my workday ended, the inevitable happened – a heavy downpour.

Even so, I'm appreciative of the dry spells because they let me show my kids the splendor of nature.

Now, as I write this, the rumble and flashes of a thunderstorm fill my surroundings.

I find a certain romanticism in seeing the lightning light up the sky, therefore thunderstorms don't scare me.

Naturally, I'm relieved once the storm passes without creating any harm.

Goodnight, and here's to the most wonderful dreams.

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Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

@meraki7578 💚

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Is on discord.gif

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