My Actifit Report Card: June 27 2024

in Actifit5 days ago

Hey Actifitters,

Yesterday's weather was much cooler, so much better! And overnight, it was even chilly, I could open all the windows all night, and bring the temperature inside the house down to 65F (or 18C). I'd prefer a fee degrees lower, but that's already very good. Even Le Chat spent lots of time on the deck enjoying these cooler temperatures.

Of course, she also explored the yard with Kaia.

In the afternoon, we managed to start our daily walk a little earlier than usual. We found two deer chilling there, but unfortunately Kaia scared them away before I could snap a picture.

As often, Le Chat joined us there for a bit, at least until we left for the forest.

As soon as we got there, Kaia went after a cat, and luckily didn't catch it. This is not the first time we saw this black cat, it might be living there, or maybe in one of the house with their backyard opening into the forest.

Kaia came back quickly and we could continue on the trail.

That big mushroom that I've been monitoring for a few days, is already in bad shape. Probably just a couple more days.

I've found even more ghost pipes. I was saying yesterday I was surprised to find so many. But I just can't believe I just didn't see them the other years. I know I got better at looking around and enjoying the beauties of Nature, but there is just no way I missed them all before. It must be new in the forest.

Once again, Kaia got tired quickly and started lying down very often. This wasn't because of the heat this time.

But she followed with no problem during our Cubiverse vaults detour and final loop in the forest.

We didn't make any long detour in the neighborhood on our way back. Once at home, we found this deer in the front yard, chasing Le Chat.

Kaia wanted to protect her sister of course, but Le Chat seemed a bit scared for once.

That was a little strange that this deer was so interested by Le Chat. I thought that even on leash, Kaia would scare it away, but it kept following us, until we went into the backyard and it finally left.

And that was it for the day. I wasn't able to reach the bar for #poprzeczka competition, but I did today (it will be in my report posted tomorrow).
As always, thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


Was it the same black cat you featured before? :D Aww poor LeChat.. the deer must have been fascinated with her. Perhaps it has a kitty friend that looks like LeChat LOL :D So good to see Kaia and LeChat enjoying the yard. I wish I have a yard too. I can imagine the kitties running outside and playing too. Soon I hope... enjoy your weekend!

Made in Canva


- @iamraincrystal - Moderator/Alive Video Master

It's very possible this cat already appeared in some of my reports, because I am sure we already saw it. Although with Kaia on its tail, it didn't stay around long enough for me to confirm !lolz
Yeah, it's the second time that a deer (probably the same) seems very intrigued with Le Chat. They probably don't see many cats, and for sure not many standing their ground. But this time Le Chat did run away.
Hope you can get a yard too for you and your cats! That's one of the reasons I live here, many other places in the world I wouldn't be able to have such a yard. That and the Michigan winters of course!
Have a great week end, !ALIVE


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