My Actifit Report Card: November 11 2024 : Stand on your decision for healthy mental health

in Actifitlast month (edited)

There's a fire starting in my heart.
Reaching a fever pitch, and it's bringing me out the dark.

Words from Adele Song rolling in the deep.
The first line "there is a fire starting in my heart".
Is how I felt when I woke up.

Hello lovely people 💖
Welcome to my Actifit Report for Monday, 11th November 2024.

It is the start of the working week, I give God all the glory.

I prepared and went to work actually on time.

Getting there, everywhere was dry and looked scanty.
They are constructing the road that leads to the hospital, and they just broke in front of the hospital to construct the drainage system.

So,maybe this contributed to it.
Coupled with not giving us light.
Reasons why I want the year to finish quickly so I can start counting a few months to the end of my service year.
This environment is not encouraging at all.

If you know me well, you will know I am diligent with work, especially one that also encourages its employees financially.

Because the other aspect of encouragement is hard to see, but at least once there is good financial support.
I will work and work well.

The economy is not friendly, so without finance, even little of it.
Life becomes so much unbearable.

After staying in the office for some time, I went to the HOD admin office to table the stipend money issue.
He said that others are paid 10k because of night shifts.
What's the difference?
I sha know very well that corpers don't run night shifts.

But this doesn't change it that all of us spend transport daily.
Because if you do night shift, you won't work in the morning.

We that are on regular morning come daily.

Well, I know what he is trying to prove doesn't make sense.
There shouldn't be discrimination when a particular stipend was entitled to everyone.

Well, I have decided not to dig deep into this.
Because the administrative team is not coordinated.
All I have to do was to talk to my HOD to stabilise things with him.

I called him, and he proved to me that he doesn't care about warfare.

He totally forgot that I am not a permanent staff and he didn't request for me before I was posted to the department.

From his actions and things he did,it proved to me that he just selfish and have chosen not to know what is really going on.

No problem.

Since, he can't be reasoned with.
I will just do what is on my mind, because I can't kill myself, and he can't frustrate me.

I came back early to rest up after all the little battles that I didn't have to go physical but by action.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog 😘 💕

Do have a productive Tuesday.

All photos are taken with my Android Mobile Phone

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores, Moving Around Office, Photowalking, Walking


Thank you very much dear