Greetings Hive friends, coolest, I got 3 hives and I have to pass two to someone else, so the advent chain continues, coolest.
This activity was started by @bozz because he wanted to have a bit of fun and get us to interact on Hive with other people, make friends and meet others and see who is responsible and make commitments.
I remember that we did a similar activity at school but it was with a plant, every week a different student had to take care of it and if we managed to keep it alive they gave us a good grade. The plant died after I passed it on to my next roommate because the guy went to grandma's for the weekend and didn't water it. Thank goodness it wasn't a cat or a dog.
The difference is that here you have to pass the hives. And I'll be responsible and I'll pass 2 hives to @angeluxx, don't worry she's my sister and I know she'll comply because I'm the older brother and she has to listen to me and because she's also responsible.
A cooler idea. The best thing of all is that we keep a hive in our wallet and that's great.
@angeluxx here are the rules so you read them well.
The rules
- Religion doesn't matter. It doesn't even matter if you celebrate Christmas. This is just something fun I wanted to do.
Screenshot taken with my cell phone
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Don't be a jerk and keep all the HIVE for yourself. The idea is that you keep one HIVE and then pass the rest around. Make sure you can trust the person you're sending this to before you send the HIVE.
Try to wait a day before sending the remaining HIVE. The idea is that when Christmas comes we'll have one HIVE left and the last person gets to keep it. If we use all the HIVE before December 5th, it'll be kind of boring. I mean, if it happens, it happens, but let's try to stop it from happening.
When you send the HIVE, put "Hive Advent" in the notes field.
I don't want to mess up anyone's posting schedule, but try to write a post about when to send the HIVE. Use the tag #hiveadvent and try to include these rules in the post so the next person knows what to do.
See you Hive friends in your next post.
Translated with Deelp
Screenshot on PC
Image by @bozz taken from his blog
Image by @angeluxx taken from his blog
Hive logo owned by Hive
Thumbnail made in Paint