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RE: Beware: Sin against the 1st Commandment. Believe in God & NOT in good luck ...

in DBuzz6 days ago

I want to release you from the evil chains of Catholicism. If you prefer to be leave your soul in the hands of charlatans, that's your choice.

However, I also worry for the people who may be fooled by this nonsense you share, so when I see particularly egregious posts, like the one about plenary indulgence (indulgence is a sin, by the way... better known as vanity), I'm going to drop a comment, so curious people know that that The Church is more likely to lead you astray than to God.

You can mute me.


Yeah that's just because you were taught differently because of the schism and excommunication, etc., despite what Jesus and St. Paul said in the Bible. I can definitely say you are in the evil chains of the demons too if that's what you're into but hey you chose which denomination you're in so it's your choice to contradict the teachings of the Catholic Church despite my best efforts to let more people understand it. Nevertheless, God will eventually get to all of us in His own way depending on who we are.

As for indulgences which you say is a sin, that's another definition of it. Look for the Catholic definition instead to understand what it is. Again, barking at the wrong tree ain't gonna get you anywhere. Feel free to mute me too.