Dreaming of green growing things!

in Feel Good5 months ago

I'm already missing summer so much, and there are still months of winter to get through before spring arrives.
I miss the colors of the flowers and the green leaves on the trees.
I even miss the naughty little chipmunks. Chipmunks don't actually hibernate. Instead, they enter a hibernation-like state called torpor. Torpor is more like a nap, where they wake up every few days to snack on food and that they stored in their underground tunnels during the summer and fall.

Summertime on the deck. Video posted via my mobile device using Ecency app. (soon to be released)

And then.... WINTER!

Photo of the deck with all the snow was today from my security camera. That camera's main use is for viewing wildlife. The two shoveled paths are used to fill the bird feeders.

Thankfully the birds are active at the feeders all year long and provide life and movement to my otherwise black and white world during the winter.

Blue Jay

male Northern Cardinal

male and female Northern Cardinal on the feeder with a chickadee and a hairy woodpecker waiting their turns.

I keep browsing through the seed catalogs dreaming of what I should order to plant in the pots on my deck. I think right now I have every page bookmarked, even though I know I don't have nearly enough room for everything I would like to grow!

I have plenty of time to decide!

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Snow scenes look amazing during winter. The bird is sitting very nicely and seems to be in a very relaxing mood.

Fresh snow is always good for taking pretty pictures!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
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Nice photos. I've never seen snow falling. The birds are so beautiful.

Thanks! I hope you have an opportunity to experience winter. Take hats, gloves and a warm coat!

!giphy wow

Thanks, my friend! 💕

You are welcome mam ☺️🙏😃


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@bhattg(4/10) tipped @melinda010100

Nature's beauty is captured! Your photography skill is as always exceptional, especially in highlighting the intricate details of the birds.
Truly an enchanting moment frozen in time!

That's nice of you to say! I do enjoy watching what is going on outside my windows!

All these stunning clicks shows how beautiful a winters could be.
Blue jay looks attractive and I really appreciate how peoples take care of birds feed during winters. I also do this same and also fills fresh water and feed for birds.

That is kind of you! When the ground is covered with snow here it becomes more difficult for the birds to forage for food. I enjoy feeding them as it brings them closer for me to observe them.

Love your summer video ! Count me in on missing the flowers, green trees and warm temps already.

I know you love flowers and growing things as much as I do. Winter will pass!

Hello. It is a beautiful publication that you share with us here. I think spring is like a rebirth of life in nature; but winter is the transition to that life. There are those who see that season of the year as a time full of sadness, but that is not the case. Nature is very wise, because without a transition, there is no change to the new. Thank you for sharing such beautiful posts with us. Kind regards!!

You are right. I do appreciate spring so much after winter begins to lose its icy cold grip!

Spring will come soon enough! Meanwhile... enjoy the snowy birdwatching show, loved the jay photo! !LUV

The Jay family congregates at the feeder several times a day and provides me with lots of photo opportunities. It's great to have their activity and lovely blue color to brighten these cold winter days!

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Thats a huge amount of snow!! I didnt see such heavy snow for a long time. I am missing the spring and summer too. Cant wait for the spring.

We did get dumped on! Temperatures are supposed to begin to warm up this week to above freezing, but it is supposed to snow and rain everyday. Sounds like it could get icy.

The birds are beautiful and lovely
Sometimes I wonder if they don’t feel cold

They are lovely and I do feel sorry for them when it gets so terribly cold outdoors.

I love winters but now I'm just fad up with this Fogg days I'm also missing summer.
That's all are beautiful pretty birds specially blue jay I love it. Interesting and adorable

Fog can be really depressing and dangerous, too. The sun will shine again!

Climas diferentes en temporadas diferentes y la belleza sigue siendo la misma. Nota: El Arrendajo azul se dio cuenta de que le tomaban una foto, yo tú me cuidaba de ese pájaro, tiene una expresión intrigante 🤣🤣🤣

¡Los Jay son pájaros inteligentes!

Fun video from the summer. We were just talking this morning about a wildlife cam. There was a little fox that left tracks all around our house. I wish we would have seen him!

I have every page bookmarked, even though I know I don't have nearly enough room for everything

The eternal dilemma. We keep trying to find more space to plant things and keep filling it up.

I have a bright light that lights up the deck and I can turn it off and on with a voice command. I can watch what's happening out there through the camera with the app on my phone, so it's kind of fun to watch some of the stuff that goes on at night that I would normally miss.
I have a fox around, too. So far I have missed seeing it, but my daughter did when she went to leave a few nights ago.
I can hear flying squirrels in the trees at night, but so far haven't seen them either.

I didn't know what you say about these squirrels, I've seen some while I'm jogging, I even took this photo, they seem like very nice animals to me.
I wish you a happy day


The squirrels here stay active all winter. But these little chipmunks sleep until springtime.

Capturing nature has always been my passion. You are lucky to live in a place where such rare birds are found. And they are very beautiful to look at. Like you, I am waiting for spring when the trees are showered with flowers. And that scene becomes very beautiful

I love living close to nature! We still have snow and cold days ahead, but as each one passes spring gets a little closer.

Oh my gosh, so much wildlife on your deck in the summer! That's fantastic. And now all the snow. One of the good things about Colorado is that our weather shifts fast. It takes some getting used to, but now that I am I love it. We can have snow like that, and in a few days the weather shifts to be warm enough to melt it all away. We had those sub-zero days and then some highs-in-the-30s days for the past week, but today right now it's 53 and the snow is melting! :)

It really is an active backyard anytime of the year!
We get those temperature fluctuations also. It's supposed to get above freezing this coming week with snow and rain mix most days. It will probably create some treacherous driving conditions. Glad I have nowhere to go!

Stay safe!

melinda010100, phoenixwren sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

What an incredible wild life on your desk my dear ! 😄

I love watching my backyard wildlife!

Sure, this is much entertaining ! 😊

You shouldn’t be sad about winter, especially since you are visited by such bright and beautiful birds.😊

Good advice. I need to remember to appreciate everyday. Even the cold days!

It's just like that, these plants in summer, all these things, they look very nice, but winter also has its own fun, I like snow very much.

Those are some pretty birds aren't they? I love blue jays and cardinals. Those are some great shots! I hope some of that white stuff starts to melt, you got hit pretty hard!

It's snowing again now. 1-3 in. expected today

Waoh! Those are lovely and cute birds.Summer🍁 🍂 is a beautiful season .