Hello wellness and good taste loving community, delighted to greet you and wish you a prosperous and blessed day.
In this opportunity I share with you a delicious and nutritious juice to increase the body's resistance, eliminate fatigue and anemia.
It is a tasty carrot, banana and orange juice. This combination provides large amounts of vitamins and nutrients in order to stay active and very healthy.
Hola comunidad amante del bienestar y del buen sabor, encantado en saludarles y desearles un próspero y bendecido día.
En ésta oportunidad les comparto un delicioso y nutritivo jugo para aumentar la resistencia del cuerpo, eliminar el cansancio y la anemia.
Se trata de un sabroso jugo de zanahoria, banana y naranja. Está combinación aporta grandes cantidades de vitaminas y nutrientes a fin de mantenerse activo y muy saludable.
I started by washing the carrot, the orange and the carrot with plenty of water and vinegar.
Then I removed the peel from the carrot and cut it into pieces
Luego retiré la cáscara de la zanahoria y corté en trozos
Then I took the carrot to high heat until it softened.
Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator
All images are my own, dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.
Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet.