Cold Stone Creamery

Hello friends and Hivers. I hope all is well. This past weekend for me was spectacular. I have already wrote about one of them which was my son graduating high school. Today I take you on a trip I made on Sunday to Cold Stone Creamery. This will be a long overdue article from me on ice cream.

Here we are at a chain ice cream store that makes some really delicious creamy ice cream. I'm very fortunate if I get a craving for their ice cream as there are a total of six stores in my area. This chain is making its away internationally as it has over 300 stores outside the United States. Is there one near you?

Now I wasn't beating the heat as we had storms and it was raining most of the day. If it would have been a hot summer day this place would have been packed. I'll eat ice cream rain, snow or heat. It was nice having the option to walk right up to the counter. It took my son and I a bit to decide what we wanted. I'll admit I changed my mind a couple of times looking at the menu and other various signs. Ice cream dishes, waffle cones & bowls, shakes, ice cream sandwiches and much more to choose from.

Oh look at all the cold cream 😋 Rather than decide what particular flavor we wanted we decided to go with one of their mixed signature creation flavors. Hence the name of the place, they scoop the ice cream, place it on a cold stone counter and mix the ingredients up right in front of you.

My son ordered first and was already digging in as I waited. Mine took a bit longer because they accidently put it in a dish rather than a waffle cone. The bill was around $18, a little spendy but well worth it.

What did we actually decide on? My son got a large sized one what is called, Cookie Doughn't You Want Some. It contains french vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips, cookie dough, fudge and caramel. I'm not a big fan of cookie dough but it tasted pretty good with the other ingredients.

I got a medium Founder's Favorite which included sweet cream ice cream with pecans, brownie, fudge and caramel. Oh what a rich tasty delight it was. We were both satisfied and it totally spoiled dinner plans later on, haha.

If your looking for ice cream cake there are many different kinds to choose from. I'm sure they rank up there among the best. A bit on the spendy side as they start out at around $40.

At this Cold Stone Creamery location it also has some non ice cream items via The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. An assortment of chocolates from truffles to chocolate covered strawberries aim to tempt your sweet tooth. Quite the selection of Carmel and speciality covered apples as well. I seen a total of about 20 customers the 30 minutes or so we spent in the store. Not knocking on the chocolate factory all the goodies look delicious. It's just every single customer was here for the ice cream.

Cold Stone Creamery is one of my favorite places to go for ice cream. I have never had a bad experience here. Today visit was refreshing and was a perfect time having some bonding time with my son.

Are you an ice cream lover like me? Do you go out with family or friends for ice cream? If yes, consider sharing it in the Ice Cream Creations Community. I'd love to hear your experiences and of course see your favorite ice creams.

That's all I have for you today. Just one more thing to end this, " I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream."


OMG!!! Choco-paradise! jajaja !LOLZ
Cold Stone ice cream shops are very famous or popular, I ate those ice creams too!!!!
Another reason to miss my Chicago time.... enjoy them!!! jajaja 😅😅

Yes certainly a place that will raise your blood sugar, jaja. A place I visit only once or twice a year, a bit spendy. So yummy though 😋


That's true, I just also went a couple of times, controlled visits! jajaa

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I would love to order the ice cream cake. Seeing yours makes me crave for ice cream again😬♥️.

I haven't tried one from this place but I'm sure there really good. The place I usually buy ice cream cakes from are about half the cost.

Go get some ice cream than you won't crave, haha 🤪


I'll get on Sunday. But I don't see any ice cream here same like the one you eat 😖

🍨 🍦 😋

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They are selling a lot of yummy looking ice cream, and expensive too if I may add, huhu. But if it taste heaven, then the dollars spent is worth it 🥴. Just cry a lil later when you check the wallet balance, lol. But seriously, i'm actually craving for some rn 🤩. This is a sweets paradise, I want to fly in there to have a taste EACH of those yummy lookiny sweets, not just the ice cream, uwu!

Haha it's so good but your right it's on the spendy side and I do control my visits there. Yeah some of those chocolates and covered apples look good as well but there crazy expensive too, hehe.

It’s funny I’ve seen the places all over the place but I’m not sure I’ve stopped in for some. I’m spoiled in that where I live there are lots of local options so we opt for that.

I love the choices you guys made! I’m looking forward to getting some ice cream this summer, the more chocolate the better for me!

Plenty of options here as well but every once in awhile I'll stop here because it's all so good, haha.

Summer time just around the corner go get some, hehe. 🍨

A lot of sweets, you made me crave ice cream huhu..

I would have done that to myself if I hadn't had some yesterday 🤪


I went to a really nice ice cream shop in Glenwood Springs recently and had a very nice ice cream, think they called in Elk Print or something like that. It was a vanilla one with chunks of chocolate and peanut butter. It was so good but I forgot to take photos. Wish I did now as I forgot about this community 😫

Haha I can't tell you how many times it makes it to the mouth before I think of capturing a picture. I'm sure there will be many hot days ahead for you to indulge and document 😊 🍦


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