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RE: A Morning Drone Adventure Over the Lock of Lot

in Dronelast month

Looks like a great place to fly. It does make me think about the placement of those windmills and question like many the design of them. Seems like them being located near the canal like that would make them even more prone to bird strikes. It's interesting to see some of the new turbine designed ones starting to become more popular. Regardless, great pics as always and love the one over the lock and the one with the longer trail of windmills.


Thank you! Yes, it’s a very interesting area to fly, due to several things, one of them is that it is near Brussels, so there’s a lot going on of course :-) Unfortunately, flying in or in the vicinity of Brussels is forbidden of course…

Ah yes, those pesky rules, lol. I was actually just looking at the DJI FlySafe maps to see where I can fly near here. It's challenging here due to the number of airports to fly without going through the authorization hassle. It actually looks like most of the beach areas near me are ok, and just have a warning area and altitude limit except for the direct flight path right around Daytona. I'm charging batteries as we speak and intend to get out a bit today.

Good one! Have fun! I love flying at the beach (but don’t often have the chance…)