Yes indeed :-) That's what I mean, the power of Capitalism, to spark the motivation to excel, since it will be rewarded. Unfortunately, it is not always the one who's work/product that excels who is rewarded most, but the one who shouts the loudest, knows the most/most influencial people, ... etcetera.
As for Communism, it's a system that works well, on paper, not taken human nature into account :-D lol
Not sure if you've ever seen them in the US, but over here, LADA was a car brand that, especially in the 70's-80's was quite "popular". And most of them were easily recognizable, not because of their boring model or color, but because they were missing parts :-D
The main problem is that most systems work pretty well, untill people start abusing it for their own betterment...
Ah, I got it! Yeah, capitalism took a bad turn when corporations were given personhood, which of course they should not have.
Yep, indeed. Every single time it's been tried it's ended horribly!
LOLOL!!! I have never heard of that car make, and how on earth did they sell cars like that?!?
Absolutely, that's the issue indeed, and that's basically most governments and corporations now! 😁🙏💚✨🤙
Have a good read: :-D
Especially the earlier models were quite "popular", even though the terrible build quality, but they were dead cheap. These days they can't keep up anymore against the Chinese cheap cars, which, although Lada has increased in quality, the Chinese are still better :-)
But yeah, capitalism does have it advantages over communism :-D lol!
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