The Naval Blockade at Nassau and the Gunpowder Plot.

In previous adventures I witnessed the entire British navy landing on the beaches of Nassau. Leading the soldiers were Woodes Rogers and Commodore Peter Chamberlaine. These officers sent by the king announced a pardon for the acts of piracy, while launching a direct threat against those who refused.

To the meeting of these visitors came Hornigold with a very affectionate attitude and immediately agreed to meet with the officers and pirate captains. Not far away from there, from a distance, Rackham and I watched them. Well, at least me, since Rackham was half drunk.


All this theater raised my suspicions and I decided to follow them from the rooftops until I reached the island's fort, where it seemed that the meeting between the visitors and the main pirate captains would take place.


When they entered the fort, I looked for a way to enter without being discovered, since I needed to know what the soldiers' real plans were. That was how, climbing one of the walls, I was able to reach the top of one of the watchtowers, but not before getting rid of some guards.


After climbing on a watchtower I was able to identify the key points of the fort, as well as the location of the alarm bell and the route of some of the guards. Thanks to all this, I was able to get my hands on a map and the Commodore's written orders.


I was about to leave when the door opened and all the members of the meeting came out. There I could hear the commodore threatening the ship captains again, and I also witnessed Vane and Rackham agreeing to the king's pardon. This gave me to understand that I could count on them for anything connected with the naval blockade.


After escaping from the fort, I join Vane in the tavern and, seeing the soldiers walking the streets with an air of superiority, we decide to take matters into our own hands. Using a map that marked the exact location of the blockade ships, we decided to fill Rackham's ship with gunpowder and tar to ram it against one of the galleons that were part of the naval blockade.


To carry out our plan, we had to gather large quantities of gunpowder and tar. Vane said he knew where to find the tar, so I went in search of the gunpowder. To be more precise, I had to bring four barrels of gunpowder, which I had to extract from the newly installed soldiers' camps.


The first two barrels were easy to find, as they were in plain sight and not very well protected. The second barrel of gunpowder was in a plantation, so I took the opportunity to steal its storage as well.


With the fourth and last barrel of gunpowder, something rather curious happened to me, because when I approached its location, I was besieged by a huge group of soldiers, who forced me to flee to the beach and swim to some rocks to hide there. When some soldiers lost sight of me, I took the opportunity to dive and make surprise attacks.


Even so, I was still outnumbered, so I used the blowgun and with some narcotic darts I drove the artillerymen crazy so that they would fight each other and reduce the number of enemies. From a distance I observed how little by little the soldiers were falling because of the attacks of their own allies. When the crazed soldiers had fallen, I approached, eliminated the remaining guards and seized the last barrel of gunpowder.


After obtaining the necessary amount of gunpowder, I meet up with Vane, who was accompanied by a sailor and was still trying to get the tar. Will this delay our plans? Will we manage to break the naval blockade? The answers to these and other questions can be found in the second part of this story. To be continued...!



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Some nice photographs to see there

@tipu curate 2

Thanks for the support

I love to see how in every dramatic moments of the game where you have to be stealthy, the character's outfit is changed, especially because they are all cool, thanks for sharing.

Written by lionsaturbix

Thanks to you for the support