When you think that nothing can surprise you anymore (CCC's Street Art Contest)

in StreetArt5 months ago
Segundo día de una nueva semana y a punto de concluir el mes de abril, y como todos los martes visitando a mis amigos de esta maravillosa ¨StreetArtCommunity¨:  para enseñarles a los apasionados del arte un nuevo ¨Street¨¨Art¨ que nuevamente hemos descubierto en este genial barrio ¨Pedro¨Ferre¨:  Este es una de esos barrios que se ha convertido en el ejemplo a seguir, tal como mencionan en esta nota periodística que conduce el link, las obras de este barrio ha inspirado a muchos artistas a sumarse a esta movida de embellecer las calles correntinas

Source: Family Álbum

Second day of a new week and the month of April is about to end, and like every Tuesday visiting my friends from this wonderful ¨StreetArtCommunity¨:  to show art lovers a new ¨Street¨¨Art¨ that we have once again discovered in this great neighborhood ¨Pedro¨Ferre¨:  This is one of those neighborhoods that has become the example to follow, as mentioned in this journalistic note that contains the link, the works in this neighborhood have inspired many artists to join this movement of beautifying the Corrientes streets

Nuestra provincia, principalmente la ¨Capital¨ de ¨Corrientes¨, tiene un hermoso ¨casco¨¨histórico¨ donde se concentran la mayor cantidad de edificios antiguos, que su belleza se destacan por el tipo de arquitectura y los exquisitos detalles de construcción que hacen a esos edificios únicos. Una exquisites de la arquitectura y que vale la pena invertir en los frentes de estos edificios para que logren tener la imponente presencia de su época. Aunque muchos edificio han pasado por una restauración, quedan muchos edificios más por restaurar

Our province, mainly the ¨Capital¨ of ¨Corrientes¨, has a beautiful ¨historical center¨ where the largest number of old buildings are concentrated, whose beauty is highlighted by the type of architecture and the exquisite construction details that make these buildings unique. An exquisite piece of architecture that is worth investing in the fronts of these buildings so that they can have the imposing presence of their time. Although many buildings have undergone restoration, there are many more buildings to restore

Source: Family Álbum

El arte en mi ciudad se expresa de muchas maneras, caminar por las calles de los barrios antiguos es como dar un hermoso paseo por las diferentes ciudades europeas, donde se destacan las estructuras y los exquisitos detalles que destacan las fachadas de los edificios. Además de la belleza física, se puede apreciar una hermosa obra de arte creada por la naturaleza sobre el cielo colorido y hermoso que cubre las calles y costas de mi ciudad

Source: Family Álbum

Art in my city is expressed in many ways, walking through the streets of the old neighborhoods is like taking a beautiful walk through the different European cities, where the structures and exquisite details stand out that highlight the facades of the buildings. In addition to physical beauty, you can see a beautiful work of art created by nature on the colorful and beautiful sky that covers the streets and coasts of my city

Este hermoso ¨mural¨:  da color y vida a uno de los laterales de los edificios de este barrio, donde el arte ahora es parte de la vida cotidiana de quienes disfrutan viviendo en el paseo más popular de la ciudad el ¨Paseo Corrientes soñadora¨:  un sueño vecinal hecho realidad

Source: Family Álbum

This beautiful ¨mural¨:  gives color and life to one of the sides of the buildings in this neighborhood, where art is now part of the daily life of those who enjoy living on the most popular promenade in the city the ¨Paseo Corrientes soñadora¨:  a neighborhood dream come true

No hay mucha información sobre el mural, pero creo que está representando a nuestra música el chamame, específicamente a una hermosa canción llamada el ¨toro¨: La obra fue creada por artistas bajo la supervisión de ¨Pedro Rauber¨: un comprometido artista con nuestra ciudad. Otro bello trabajo de nuestro ¨StreetArt¨ que merecía ser parte de este ¨CCC's Street Art Contest¨:  organizado por mi amigo @digi-me. Estas hermosas tomas las pueden ver gracias a nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ que hace un gran trabajo a la hora de fotografiar el arte de mi ciudad

Source: Family Álbum

There is not much information about the mural, but I think it is representing our music the chamame, specifically a beautiful song called the ¨toro¨: The work was created by artists under the supervision of ¨Pedro Rauber¨: a committed artist with our city. Another beautiful work of our "StreetArt" that deserved to be part of this ¨CCC's Street Art Contest¨:  organized by my friend @digi-me. You can see these beautiful shots thanks to our camera ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ which does a great job when it comes to photographing the art of my city


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Art with animal is well detailed, old architecture would be nice to see painted in pastel colours highlighting the detail bringing life back in once restored.

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If the work is very well done, the details provide a certain realism
That would be great, to be able to see the old streets with all the restored buildings, I love pastel tones, they give color and joy to the streets
Thank you very much dear friend @joanstewart for this pleasant visit and support of my post
I wish you a splendid day

Old always fascinating as is street art when done well, many great artists to paint both.

Que te puedo decir, me dejaste sorprendida totalmente. Primero el cielo, lo ame! El mural esta de locura, hermoso y muy bien realizado.

Gracias por este arte @jlufer, que tengas un hermoso día!😃

It is a beautiful and colorful mural, but those tones of the sunset are impressive, I love the skies of this city
Thank you very much dear friend @avdesing for appreciating my photographs, always so kind
have a beautiful afternoon

Un placer siempre pasar por aquí, tu casa, siempre unas fotografías que asombran! Bonita tarde!

Entre el cielo y el mural no se que más me gusta😍

Both works are beautiful, the difference is that nature created one of them
Thank you very much dear friend @izack for appreciating my photographs

Thank you very much for sharing a little of your art with us

Wow never seen a horse painted on a wall.

It is a great work that represents a lyric of our music
Thank you very much dear friend

That is a huge wall to be painted, and the result is awesome.
have a great day my friend.

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@ekavieka ha enviado VSC a @jlufer

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The artist who made the work is admirable, he has done a great job
Thank you very much dear friend @ekavieka for the support you give me


Have you heard about the Angel of Death that’s not so intelligent?
The Dim Reaper?

Credit: reddit
@jlufer, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of curart38

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Thank you dear friends

Hello grandfather, what a beautiful work, I love the colors of this bull

Yes, it has been a wonderful walk and that work and its colors are beautiful

Hermoso toro bravo y bonito cielo.

Si, es un mural hermoso, las facciones del toro lo hace ver muy bravo, es verdad
Muchas gracias por esta grata visita, y apoyo que me brindas
Qie tengas una hermosa tarde

All the photos are beautiful especially the sky photos 🙂

Hermoso arte.


@edgerik has sent VSC to @jlufer

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@edgerik ha enviado VSC a @jlufer

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Hola, @jlufer ! These sunset photos are absolutely breathtaking! The vibrant hues blending together in the sky create a mesmerizing canvas of beauty. It's moments like these that remind us of the wonders of nature and the incredible artistry that surrounds us. Thank you for sharing this stunning capture and allowing us to experience the magic of the setting sun through your lens. Truly awe-inspiring! Keep it up, my friend. Have a great day!

Very talented artist as this bull proves. And beautiful sky with these colors. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Have a great day