Last week I emphasized that in my city there is art even in the sky, this week I would love to say that we see art even in the boats that navigate the bed of the beautiful Paraná river. Needless to say, I love what they have done on this beautiful sailboat called
¨Soleil¨: A boat that participates in regatta competitions in my city, and on several occasions has been successful. I believe that the art on the boat has a meaning, and is related to
¨Poseidon¨ the God of the seas ¨: It makes a lot of sense, right?
Lo que más me atrae del ¨muralismo¨ de mi ciudad, es cuando los artistas utilizan la temática de nuestra ¨fauna¨ en sus obras, no creo que existan aves que más representen a mi ciudad que el ¨carpintero¨, ¨cardenal¨ y el ¨yacaré¨. Ejemplares hermosos que se pueden encontrar a lo largo de nuestro territorio, visitar nuestra provincia es acercarse a la vida silvestre
Source: Family Álbum
What attracts me most to the ¨muralism¨ of my city is when artists use the theme of our ¨fauna¨ in their works, I don't think there are birds that best represent my city than the ¨carpenter¨, ¨cardinal¨ and the ¨yacaré¨. Beautiful specimens that can be found throughout our territory, visiting our province is getting closer to wildlife
No podría estar más de acuerdo con el nuevo ¨slogan¨ de la ¨ciudad¨ ¨Corrientes¨, es una provincia con muchos lugares precioso para visitar y poder apreciar nuestra hermosa fauna, como el ave que el artista utilizó en su obra, se trata de un
¨Thraupis¨ naranjero¨: otra ave muy preciosa de nuestra fauna. Desgraciadamente desconozco quien es el artista o el nombre de la obra. Que genial poder participar una vez más en el
¨CCC's Street Art Contest¨: de nuestro amigo
@digi-me . Qué bueno que teníamos con nosotros mi ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ gracias a eso he podido hacer estas bellas tomas
Source: Family Álbum
I couldn't agree more with the new "slogan" of the "city" ¨Corrientes¨, it is a province with many beautiful places to visit and be able to appreciate our beautiful fauna, such as the bird that the artist used in his work, it is a
¨Thraupis¨ orange tree¨: another very precious bird of our fauna. Unfortunately I don't know who the artist is or the name of the work. How great to be able to participate once again in the
¨CCC's Street Art Contest¨: by our friend
@digi-me. It's good that we had my ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ with us, thanks to that I was able to take these beautiful shots
Source: vimeo-free-videos