in MCGI Cares Hive8 months ago


It was another wonderful moment with God's servant today Brother Daniel Razon Kuya as he trilled us deeply in God's word and the need for us to always obey God's word and walk according to God's word.

According to God word in the book of 1 PETER 5:7 we were made to understand that God has so much love towards us because we are created in his own image and likeness, all we are to do is to call upon him whenever we feel the load is much for us knowing that he is always near to hear and cuddle us as hi children we are.

As true Christans we must ensure that we avoid any form of malice within our fellow brethren or any form of strife among ourselves most especially in the church of God as seen according to the book of PROVERB 17:1.

We are also made to understand according to the book of JAMES 4:5 that we must not seen as people who lust after the spirit of envy, but we are to be seen as people who embrace one another with God's love, accommodating one another and exhorting one another deeply in God's word.

We must shine out as light we are in wherever we might found ourselves and this can only manifest in us when we take upon the responsibility of making people to come to the knowledge of the truth which is the word of God, making them to observe all things which is written in the word of God and not only to be the hearers of God's word but to be seen as people who also go along in doing God word and implementing it in our various workplaces and whatever we might found ourselves.

We must be seen as people go coordinate themselves most especially in the house of God, we must remove my form of things which will make God to turn his back on us, we must ensure that we make our life to be straight forward in departing from any form of evil appearance and clinging to doing that which Is good which includes helping the needy, sharing what we have with our fellow brethren as seen according to the book of 2 TIMOTHY 3:6.


We must ensure that God's word dwell in us so richly in us, in whatever we do let us settle a dispute with our fellow brethren with truth, transparency and love and studying the word of God day and night, it should not not be occasionally stuff in our life but we are to dwell in the house of God studying his word day and night waiting for his coming so that we can be crown with heaven at last.

Other Scriptural Quotes From Brother Daniel Razon kuya
•MATTHEW 6:14-15
•1 JOHN 5:16
•LUKE 6:35.