I bless the day I joined this great Gods family because even as a young growing lady, through this wonderful teaching from Gods servant ,I was made to understand that am not meant to marry anyhow person or have anyone I see as a partner but rather am meant to be with a PRUDENT MAN likewise a man is meant to be with a PRUDENT WOMAN.
Now I was also made to understand that they are prudent man and woman which are not from God. But we are to made to understand according to Gods servant teaching that a good and prudent woman comes from God . That is the main reason why we must be close to God that he might open our eyes to see the rightful prudent man and Woman as seen according to the book of PROVERBS 19:14.
I was able to understand that I must flee from becoming a partner to a prudent man who is not after the things of God, nor does the things of God give him joy.
They are only after the things of the world and are never deep rooted in the words of God. Therefore I must flee from getting partner who are not interested in the things of God as seen according to the book of 1 CORINTHIANS 1:19.
The prudent men and women who do not love the things of God are after their earthly desire and do not lean on the understanding of God but rather they are seen as people who lean on their own understanding do things which satisfy the desire of the flesh.
Therefore as a Christan man or lady I must not be seen as someone who should end up with such person so that in turn will I faithfully serve my God.Amen