Am so happy to pen down that which I have learnt and come to understand according to the word of God which he has greatly used his servant brother Eli soriano in teaching us.
I always feel happy and anxious everyday to keep listening to the teaching of Gods servant because I keep getting exposed to Gods word and I keep coming to an understanding of what is in Gods word.
We were made according to God word according to the book of 2 CORINTHIANS 11:7 that Gods word was given to us freely therefore in thesame we are expected not to charge our fellow brethren in teaching them that which is written in Gods word.
Nowadays people who called themselves God's children go after tasking and collecting money through the gift which they have recieved freely from God. Because many are given different gifts which God only need us to use it and do wonders in his name and not to see it as a avenue to be extorting money from our fellow brethren rather let us be seen as people who care about one another in upholding one another faith.
Now talking about paying of our tithes, we were made to understand that it is our obligation which we own God from the little which he has given that we are to come back to say thank you father and in doing that he removes the devourer and all form of evil from us let see the book of HEBREW 7:9
Let us be seen as people who obeys God's word by rightfully paying our tithes which is our only duty as a man to God almighty that God will be pleased to keep opening doors of Blessings to us.
•Let us not be seen as people who collects money from Gods children in teaching and making them come to the knowledge of God word.
•We wee made to understand that freely we have received God gift be it gift of seeing vision or prophecy and freely should we use it to administer and wins souls for God.
• Tithes is our obligation as Gods children therefore we must not be seen as people who shy away from paying our tithes unto as seen according to the book of HEBREW 7:9
•We must be seen as people who rightfully keep obeying the teachings of God and his doctrines which one of them is for us to thank you father for the all the numerous things which he has done for us by us being committed in paying our tithes.