in MCGI Cares Hivelast month

Is another wonderful day listening to Gods teaching and studying Gods word with Gods servant brother Eli soriano.

Everyday of my life I keep praying for more of Gods grace to this great Gods family for helping the world to stand on the truth which is the word of God.

This is such an interesting topic because people of God, Gods children who are called by God has gotten themselves in many sexual activities all in the name of satisfying their sexual pleasure.

We are made to understand that our body is the temple of Gods house and must remain holy and must not be stain with sin, so why them should we be seen as people who keep fornicating and commiting adulatry and calling it pleasure.

God's children who are supposed to go out to win souls for God , who are supposed to be heaven conscious and seem as people who keep winning souls have turn away from the presence of God because of our sinful way of life. Thereby making the glory of God to depart from us.

God's word according to the book of 1 CORINTHIANS 7:2 Gods word totally condemns us from fornicating and sining but Rather we are to get ourselves married before we are seen as people who indulge in any form of sexual activities.

I must confess that God our father is never pleased with the way children of God who are supposed to be the light of the word are fornicating and having sex all in the name of pleasing themselves then deviating from the rightful path which God our father has set for us as an example for us to look upon.

We were made to understand that even Mary never have any intimacy with Joseph as seen according to Gods word in the book of MATTHEW 1:18 but she got conceived by the holy ghost.

What we must do now as Gods children is to flee away from sinful act and to cling to God, flee from getting ourselves involved in fornication and sexual activities as Gods condemns it and it has a way of making God to turn his face away from us.


It is not a good thing to sleep together before marriage. We have to seek the consent of God and get married before we spend the first night together

Exactly how God taught us.
We must flee from fornication. It makes God to stay away from us because our body becomes a slave to sin whenever we start sinning.

The world has change and we have now turned bad things to norms
If not, there will be no reason for two people who are not married to sleep together

Of a true, the world has truly change, whereby you see young children of God fornicating all I'm the day of satisfying their sexual pleasure not minding what Gods word says about it
Thank you for coming through my review.

Our body is the temple of God
He made us with his own image

And that is why we must keep to his commandments and doctrines

There has always been a strive between satisfying the flesh and the spirit, these two are always fighting for control and ownership, but we must know as Children of light, aiming for the kingdom and eternal life to flee from every form of youthful lust, lust of eyes, lust of flesh and the pride of life....

Nice review!....

Thank you so much
For taking your time to go through my review

Its always a delight...look forward for more 😀

Nice review. Please don't forget to notify me when the mcgi Thanksgiving program commences so I can join


You are expected to download Zoom
Thanksgiving is done every Saturday
U can join from 1pm, insert this no as your meeting id and put HEB1025 as password and u are free to join in

Which number am I supposed to insert as my meeting id @queenpresh

I sent you picture
That the number

Thanks dear. Do they have any meetings on Sunday as well @queenpresh

No Dear

Alright. Thank you very much