in MCGI Cares Hive6 months ago


The key to Forgiveness is having the nature of Love in out heart most times people find it difficult to forgive and more difficult to forget because they have no love in them I think this words are two words with different concept one can forgive a thing done to him or her but there's a force that makes it difficult to forget that sin we have already forgiven according to the teachings of Brother Eli Soriano I understand that it takes love to forgive and forget an offence committed against us from the scripture we understand that love covers multiples of sin


Forgiveness is the thing of the mind love and hatred also are the things of the mind if we allow hatred to cloud our mind we will find it difficult to forgive and forget hatred brings bitterness it makes us bitter towards every action that comes our way it makes the force of unforgiveness to dwell in our mind and heart making it difficult to forget
But when we have love in us we begin to live like Christ him being a perfect God with the most perfect memories still promise to forgive and forget our sin from HEBREW 8:12

Heb 8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

He was able to do that because he is love and the love he have towards us won't allow him bear grudges with us even in our unrighteousness he still loved us and show us his Mercy so we as children of God should also be able to live like God having mercy on others and try not to remember the bad things done to us rather let every offence be treated in love and gentleness of the heart

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But most times we do not have control over our mind even things we try to forget creeps into our mind unconsciously maybe because we are not perfect but if there's is love in our heart it clears every imperfections in us and bring us into right standing with God and man ROMANS 11:33

Rom 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable [are] his judgments, and his ways past finding out

If the all-knowing and ever wise God can forgive and forget our sins it is very important we follow his foot steps and stop packing up grudges in our heart rather we should also learn to forgive and forget the bad things done to us that way we can be true children of God

