From the teaching of brother Eli Soriano on Going to heaven is it a destiny? I came to understand that the only people who are destined to go to heaven are little children who died at a very young age of may be a month or till a year before the get to know what sin is all about their heart is still pure they haven't been corrupted by the things of this world so they are destined to go to heaven MATTHEW 19:14 The bible said we should allow little children to come to him because they the kingdom of heaven is theirs
But when that child grows into childhood, adolescence adulthood and to an old age and doesn't not live according to the will and commandments of God he or she already knows where he is going whether to heaven or hell even if the person is a prayer warrior or well recognized person in the church so far he is outside the will of God that is he is living in sin he won't enter heaven he or she already knows where they are going
The Bible says in the book of MATTHEW 7:21 not everyone that call him Lord that will enter the kingdom of heaven only those who do the will of God and the will of God is to abstain from sin and evil when we live in sin maybe we are teachers of the word professors president or anything at all in the high levels of this Earth but we are living in sin we won't be going to heaven
Heaven is not destined for everyone but for people who are doing the will of God here on Earth although God wants everyone to be saved and come to heaven he will only permit those who are saved and remain saved and also obeys his commandments and do his perfect will for us
Going to heaven is not a destiny but a conscious decision we must take and work towards to ensure we make it at last to heaven