in MCGI Cares Hive7 months ago


Teaching review of the mass indoctrination service by brother Eli Soriano held on the 1 of March 2024 who have been used marvellously by God to teach and impact the true knowledge of the pure doctrine of Christ to the children of God it has always been an awesome presence and every day I learn new things that I don't know before

Starting from 1 CORINTHIANS 7 :5-6 brother Eli Soriano taught about the importance of fasting and praying as a believers to help us overcome the temptations of the devil it helps us to be spiritually active and alert to also hear from God prayer is good God can hear us if we prayer only without adding a fast but when we fast it helps our prayers to be effective and makes the Holy Spirit to dwell in us to bring speedy answer to our prayers

But it is important to know that there are fasting that are not acceptable to God like when we fast in sin or disobedience of the word of God our fast will not be accepted it will just be a hunger starvation there's a way God has instructed and chosen for us from ISAIAH 58:6 God said when we fast we should loose the bonds of wickedness which means there are act we do that can be wicked to people like refusing to help someone in need or planing evil for someone he said when you fast let all those acts be stopped and we repent from our wickedness also in the same verse says to undo the heavy burdens Jesus said cast all your cares on him for he cares for us so we shouldn't still carry our burdens on us while fasting we should lay it all on Jesus so we won't let the whole world know we are fasting by the appearance of our face and the scripture continues that we let the oppress go free that people we have not forgiven and we still bear them in our heart bible said we should let go also people that have been owning us for a very long time and could not afford to pay we set free and forget their depts and then also drop every character that will hinder the Holy Spirit from making our fasting effective

Also brother Eli talked about the importance of fasting for married couple we understand from the book of HEBREW 13:4 marriage is honourable to the Lord when the bed is not defile that's means as singles intending to marry but have not they should not indudge in furnication and even the married should not defile their bed through adultery if not their fasting will be a waste of time MATTHEW 5 :28 says that even when a man lust after a woman he have already committed the sin of adultery so our heart must be guided to prevent every evil thought and ladies also should dress probably to avoid causing a brother to sin 2 PETER 2:14


To married couples the bible advise the husband's to love their wives as Christ have loved the church they should also understand that wives are the weaker vessels that what the bible called them so they should honour their wives and not treat them as trash so their prayers won't be hindered 1 PETER 3:7 the sames goes to the wife to honour and respect her husband as her head as Christ is the head of the church so is the husband to his wife so she should be submissive to him and reverence him not to look down on him EPHESIANS 5:22-25 Also when a couple decides to fast they should abstain from each other sexually so their whole body can be owned to God that way their fasting and prayer will be effective before God


1 CORINTHIANS 11 :4 Everyman who appears before God to pray should not have his head cover because it's a dishonour to his head which is Christ so when he covers his head he is not showing respect to God but the woman should have her head cover it should she honours her head which is her husband 1 PETER 3:6 the scripture used Sarah as an example of how a woman should honour her husbandshe called Abraham Lord that shows respect and submission so every wife should honour her husband by totally submitting to his will and the husband should love their wives and provide also for the need of the family as that is the sole responsibility




LUKE 1 :6





Thank you sister for sharing these lessons

Thank you sis