When is God's Perfect time

in MCGI Cares Hive11 months ago

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When is God's Perfect time


Thank God for this wonderful teaching from Brother Eli Soriano, who has made it clear that not every time is an opportune time. Therefore every believer who is a true believer indeed is not expected to be asking when is God's time as we are believers of Christ. So if you are a true believer that has discern spirit, it is expected of us to know the right moment to do so and know when the right time comes.

The book of Galatians 5:10 let us understand that we believers are expected and believed to do good to all, as much as we can do in place to fulfill the will of God as God expect from us, therefore is expected of us to utilize every opportunity we have in place to do God's will in place to help and share kindness across all man most especially those within and that have the same faith with us as Apostles Paul let us understand is the perfect time to do God's will which is the opportune time that God has for us.

So therefore if you at all have the opportunity to do good in God's perfect time, so is ideal to do so as much as we fulfill God's will, in as much that the devil is busy planning evil to deprive such from us in order to kill off our inner spirit to do good, let's be encouraged to do so which Apostles said, although the book of Thessalonians 2:18 let us understand that not every time is opportune time, as much devil is after fighting in order hinder us to do good to all men even the blessings we are main to get from it as well.

Galatians 6:10 let us understand that whenever we have opportunity, let try as much as we can to do good to all men, most especially to those within our faith with us, so therefore the big question there is when do we know the perfect time for God? Hence the perfect answer to this question as led by Brother Eli said that the situation surrounding you allowed you to do this is actually the perfect time to carry out this, by doing good to all men, which he said is the perfect time to do so.

So in the phase of hindrance, or in the midst of hindrance, provided that it allows you to do good, indeed is the perfect time and the opportune time to do God's will which is expected from us as believers. So therefore we are all encouraged to do as much as we can in place to fulfill the word of God which we are on earth here to do as man, hence whenever is time to do good, let try as much in our reach to do so.



• Galatians 6:10 This verse of the scripture let us understand that there is need to show kindness and being generous to others which emphasis more on doing good to all man and this verse encourages us to have a spirit of compassion.

• Thessalonians 2:18 emphasis on we believers building strong relationship with the word of God, which signifies having building strong relationship through building a strong Community.

• Galatians 5:10 This verse of the scripture lets us understand that we need to be cautious over influences that tend to deviate us from our faith in God.

Thanks MCGI
Am samuel

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Note:The linebreaker is created by me
The screenshot is from the zoom meeting


