The Best Way To Live A Teenage Life. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hivelast month

We have witnessed many young people who have wasted their lives doing the wrong things. We have seen those who are indulging in several forms of sexual immorality. We have seen those who are smoking and getting drunk. We have seen those who are engaging in criminal activities. So many young people are living in different manners of sinful ways. They turn their back against the ways of God. They refuse to obey the commandments of God. These types of teenagers are not doing the best with their lives.

Every teenager who wants to have a meaningful life must take heed to the instructions of God in the Bible. They must submit themselves to obeying the commandments of God. They must follow the way of the Word of God. It is by taking heed to the doctrines of God and obeying the commandments of God, that they can make a successful life for themselves.

There are several types of wrong ways which teenagers who are not watchful might waste their lives. There are many activities which have taken over the world which are causing many young people to live in a way that provokes God's anger against them. These kinds of living are not good for youths who want their lives to please God.

The only way in which a teenager can live his or her life is to obey the Word of God. Teenagers must listen to the commandments of God and obey them. They must allow themselves to accept what is the way of the gospel. That's the only way in which they can live their lives and please God.


A lot of things we see on social media everyday is enough to make teenagers go the wrong direction but it is our duty as Christians to make sure that we lead them through the right path

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It is to be seen that we can serve God truthfully during our youthful age.
God bless his word

The Word of God is the perfect guide to making our lives worthwhile. Thank you for sharing this.

You have said it all!
The Word of God is the only antidote for an ailing society such as ours.

A lot of lives are being wasted, our teenagers are towing the wrong path by not heeding to God's commandments.

The very best time to serve God is during our youthful age
Kids or teenagers need to know the things God wants and He doesn’t