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RE: My Christmas Decorations

in Hive Collectorslast year

damn lol. guess what my house has for decoration. pretty much nothing lol. U guys could get more though but then youd have to rent some space to put all of that stuff in


I wouldn't have guessed that. We have enough and no space for more right now. 🎄😃

o.o i think u wouldve guessed that based on your face lol

ya i know u have no space your post said it :P thats why i said u can rents space. dont they have like storage facilities whereu live where u can rent and just put stuff there

Yeah they have that, but I think we will manage with our cellar. Did you play Metalcore yet?

what's metalcore. is that on hive? you play it o.o. how much u make

I start this week, just installing now.

o.o ok then let me know how it goes. im a bit tired trying all diff stuff lol resting. saving money for gswift

Haha I feel you. That's why I had a break. Now feel ready to try something new.

o.o ok so u will be posting about this game?