Sweet potato pastries stuffed with mushrooms // Pastelitos de boniato rellenos de champiñones

After a few days without stopping by, I'm glad to be back with a special recipe that I dared to prepare to spoil myself a little bit today.

I had a few days with a can of mushrooms that I recently bought for only $1.7. Although I really like mushrooms I actually consume them very little because they are usually more expensive, or so I thought.

The first thing that came to my mind was to make a pizza, that's coming soon, however, I decided on a recipe that I had never prepared before to give myself a new and different taste.

Después de unos cuantos días sin pasar por aquí, me alegra estar de vuelta con una receta especial que me atreví a prepararme para consentirme hoy un poquito.

Tenía algunos días con una lata de champiñones que compré recientemente por tan solo $1,7. Aunque me gustan mucho los champiñones realmente los consumo muy poco porque generalmente son más costosos, o eso pensé.

Lo primero que vino a mi mente fue hacer una pizza, eso viene pronto, sin embargo, me decidí por una receta que nunca antes hubiese preparado para darme un gusto nuevo y distinto.

Some ideas came up, but the one I imagined myself enjoying the most this time is the one I am going to share with you. Some semi-sweet pastries because the dough is made with sweet potato but the filling is savory.

Some mixtures of sweet and savory can be totally irresistible to me 🤤.

I was satisfied with the result of the 6 pastries I prepared today and I'm happy because I still have 2 left for tomorrow's breakfast.

Now, without further ado, let's go straight to the recipe.

Algunas ideas surgieron, pero la que más me imaginé disfrutando esta vez es la que a continuación voy a compartirles. Unos pastelitos semi dulces porque la masa está hecha con batata o boniato pero el relleno es salado.

Algunas mezclas de dulces y salados me pueden resultar totalmente irresistibles 🤤

Quedé satisfecha con el resultado de los 6 pastelitos que preparé hoy y ando feliz porque aún me quedaron 2 para el desayuno de mañana.

Ahora, sin más espera vamos directamente a la receta.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 2 medium sweet potatoes or yams.
  • 3/4 cup oat flour.
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Ingredientes para la masa:

  • 2 batatas o boniatos medianos.
  • 3/4 taza de harina de avena.
  • 1/2 cucharadita de sal.

For the stuffing:

  • 1 can of mushrooms 400Grs.
  • 1 onion.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 sprig of cilantro.
  • 1 dash of oil.
  • Salt and curry to taste.

Para el relleno:

  • 1 lata de champiñones de 400Grs.
  • 1 cebolla.
  • 5 dientes de ajo.
  • 1 ramita de cilantro.
  • 1 chorrito de aceite.
  • Sal y curry al gusto.

Preparation // Preparación:

I peeled the bonitos, washed them, cut them in half and put them to cook in enough water until they were soft.

Pelé los bonitos, los lavé, corté a la mitad y los puse a cocinar en suficiente agua hasta que estuvieron blandos.

While the sweet potatoes were cooking I chopped the onion, garlic and cilantro into tiny pieces.

Mientras los boniatos se cocinaban corté la cebolla, el ajo y el cilantro en trozos diminutos.

I sautéed the onion and garlic until the onion began to crystallize, added the previously drained mushrooms, mixed everything with the help of a spoon for about 5 minutes approximately. I added the curry and salt, mixed, and finally added the cilantro, mixed, covered and turned off the heat so that the preparation would finish concentrating with its own heat.

Sofreí la cebolla y el ajo hasta que la cebolla comenzó a cristalizarse, agregué los champiñones previamente escurridos, mezclé todo con la ayuda de una cuchara por unos 5 minutos aproximadamente. Agregué el curry y la sal, mezclé, y finalmente agregué el cilantro, mezclé, tapé y apegué el fuego para que la preparación terminara de concentrarse con su propio calor.

With the filling ready and the sweet potatoes cooked, it was time to prepare the dough. For that, I mashed the sweet potatoes while they were still warm, added a little salt to taste and then added the oat flour, while integrating the ingredients with a fork, until finally, when the dough was warm, I finished shaping it with my hands.

Con el relleno listo y los boniatos cocidos, llegó el momento de preparar la masa. Para eso, hice un puré con los boniatos aún calientes, agregué un poco de sal al gusto y luego fui agregando la harina de avena, mientras integraba los ingredientes con un tenedor, hasta que finalmente cuando ya la masa estaba tibia terminé de darle forma con las manos.

I let the dough rest for a few minutes to cool completely and then I began to shape the cupcakes, with the help of a piece of plastic wrap I flattened the dough portions and with a bowl I gave them a circular shape.

Dejé reposar la masa unos minutos para que enfriara por completo y luego comencé a darle forma a los pastelitos, con la ayuda de un trozo de plástico fui aplanado las porciones de masa y con un recipiente les di forma circular.

I filled each pastry and sealed them with the help of a fork, which I wet before this step since the dough tends to be sticky. Also, before adding the filling, I first detached the dough from the piece of plastic wrap and then put it back to make sure it would not stick and get ruined, this for the same reason of the sticky consistency of the dough.

Fui rellenando cada pastelito y los sellé con la ayuda de un tenedor, el cual mojé antes de dar este paso ya que la masa tiende a ser pegajosa. Así mismo, antes de agregar el relleno primero desprendía la masa del trozo de plástico y luego volvía a colocarla para asegurar que no fuese a quedarse adherida y se arruinara, esto por el mismo motivo de la consistencia pegajosa de la masa.

I had 6 small cakes and I still had some of the sofrito with mushrooms that I reserved in the fridge for another preparation.

I placed the cakes on a greased baking sheet while I preheated the oven.

Me salieron 6 pastelitos pequeños y aún me quedó un poco del sofrito con champiñones que reservé en la nevera para otra preparación.

Acomodé los pastelitos en una bandeja previamente engrasada mientras precalenté el horno.

I baked them for about 15 minutes at moderate temperature and turned them to brown on both sides.

Horneé por unos 15 minutos a temperatura moderada y los volteé para que se doraran por ambos lados.

Fresh from the oven, ready to eat. They can be enjoyed just like that or accompanied with a sauce, I had already prepared a smoked eggplant and avocado spread that was great.

Recién salidos del horno, listos para comer. Se pueden disfrutar así simplemente o acompañar con alguna salsa, yo tenía ya listo un untable de berenjena ahumada con aguacate que le vino genial.

Thank you for accompanying me😉

I wish you good health and a dignified life.

Photographs of my property, edited with my phone./Fotografías de mi propiedad, editadas con mi teléfono.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You've been curated by @amazingdrinks! Delegations welcome!

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Thank you very much for your support, dear community. I wish you all the best!

I really wanted to try your recipe, the cakes look super delicious...and so easy, the best thing is that we can combine them with other savory fillings that also enhance the contrast of sweet and salty flavor.

All that's left to do is to try

Yes, of course you can add any filling you like. The dough is very sweet because of the sweet potato, it is up to each person to choose the filling they like the most.

And yes, you just need to make them and then eat them hahaha. I hope you like them if you make them.

Thank you very much for your visit 🌹

Misa querida,

Esta receta me ha gustando tanto que la visto varias veces, observando con atención el guiso, la masa, el armado y esa salsa ahumada, agregándole más color y sabor a tu preparación. La combinación salado-dulce es brutal, esta receta me ha dejado salivando.

Es un gusto tenerte de vuelta ❤️

Quedó fue Exqui Exqui amiguita bella, cada vez que hago una preparación como esta vienes a mi mente ❤️❤️

Ummmm hermanita eso se ve delicioso,wow como te has superado, está receta es espectacular y totalmente saludable además los pastelitos te quedaron hermosos.
Buen trabajo Lili 👍🤗🌹

Gracias hermanita 🤗🌹

Estos pastelitos quedan suaves y divinos 😋

Your mushroom dish like a delicious. 🍄😊

Thank you very much 😊

Prepared this amazing pitha with combination of sweet potato and flour with great feeling. Which makes breakfast and afternoon snacks great now

That's right my friend, this recipe is a good option for breakfast or snack, although last night I had dinner with them, I liked it very much.

Thanks for your visit!

You are always most Wellcome my friend my pleasure

Wow! This combination is delightful. I'm pleased to see all the steps. Mayne I'll try it one day:)))

I wish I could send you at least a couple :)

Thanks for your visit and support!

This is something unique 😀
Thanks for the recipe 🙂

Thanks to you for your visit and support! 🙂

You've been curated by @plantpoweronhive! Delegations welcome!

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Thank you very much for your support, dear community. I wish you all the best!