A little vegan love for Mother Earth (WINNERS)

Photo by Massimiliano Morosinotto

Hello plant-based foodies, wherever you are in the world and the galaxy!

Here @sirenahippie

Today we are back to announce the winners of a very special contest: A little vegan love for Mother Earth (Contest) We want to thank the @solarisfuture Project for their support and for their inspiration to do this activity. We also want thank to Developer Witness @sagarkothari88 for his constant support to the community and in particular for the realization of this contest, and we also thank to our friend @bhattg for his sponsorship.


In the call for this contest, we announced that we would be carrying out community activities and contests with some frequency, related to the various ways of expressing vegan love for the planet, which go beyond gastronomy. We also point out that these contests will be specific, since we are not modifying the niche of our community, which is fundamentally gastronomic; however, for us it is important to address other aspects of veganism, apart from gastronomy.

In this contest, we had only one participation, one entry, and it was that of @mercmarg, who with a good post explained to us the main pollution problem that exists in her community, and she also expressed some solutions to this problem. In her post she compiled graphic evidence of the pollution situation in the sector where she lives, which is linked to the burning of solid waste (garbage), affecting air quality and impoverishing the soil. Let's take a look at this good and unique entry to this contest:




A little vegan love for Mother Earth (Contest) | by @mercmarg

In her post, @mercmarg tells us that in his community the neighbors are organized to address the problem of air pollution due to the burning of solid waste, which is affecting the health of the residents. She has been in charge of investigating the why, the origin of this problem, without there having been a truly satisfactory answer. Among the actions proposed to reduce or eliminate sources of contamination, are that neighbors resort to the appropriate instances to demand a solution, hold protests with banners, as well as carry out actions of planting and caring for trees in common areas by the families.


Below are the transfers of the prizes to the winner. Congrats @mercmarg!


By the beginning of next June 2024, we hope to call another contest similar to this one, with the support of the @solarisfuture Project. We hope you feel motivated to participate in it.


Delegations welcome!

Find our community here | Curation Trail

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It's a shame there weren't more entries. Congrats to @mercmarg

@tipu curate 8

We hope that for the next edition more people will be motivated to participate. Thanks for your support!

Gracias, muchas gracias

Gracias a tí por tu participación, por tomarte tu tiempo para documentar y explicar el grave problema de contaminación en tu zona. Saludos.