Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 339 : Sand Art via Nature

in Shadow Hunters2 days ago

Greetings my dear ecencials ! Hope you all are safe and sound in your respective places. Nature makes lots of wonders through its creation.

Imagine when its creation gives another natural art work, through its own, in the form of shadows in our environment. Yes, here Iam talking about those beautiful shadows of plants and trees around us. Its strikingly beautiful.

Here, I have taken few clicks of trees and plants around my surroundings. Hope you will enjoy those beautiful shadows.

All photos were captured by myself on different days from Samsung galaxy A50. Hope you enjoyed it. With another collection of new shadows in the coming week, let me bid you good night.

Thanks for your patience and valuable time.


Beautiful shadow

Beautiful shadow pictures dear 👍

beautiful foliage shadows, the last one is interesting.


You're welcome.

What a beautiful pattern of shadows these plants cast
Beautiful shots of shadows, I appreciate you sharing them with us
Have a beautiful day