Reflection Hunters 168: Bushes In The Riverside After Our Gulgol Ritual

in Shadow Hunters2 months ago

Good evening, everyone.

A few days ago, my mom and I traveled to my grandma's house to attend my grandpa's (my grandma's elder brother's) funeral. We stayed there for the last night of viewing, and the following day is the funeral. It was early in the morning when we left grandma's house to go to church, which is a 15-minute drive. We rode to one of my grandma's sister's cars because all of the jeepneys were already full.

The next day, we went to the river. All the family members and relatives of my grandpa who passed away attended a ritual that they called "Gulgol" in Ilokano. It is a cleansing and healing ritual for the family of the departed. We did that in the river, which is also close to my grandpa and grandma's house. We walked a few minutes to get there. It was early in the morning so it was okay to walk and it was not very hot at that time yet.

My photo entry is me standing in front of the river

2nd photo

3rd photo

4th photo

So after the gulgol ritual, we all went to the river to rinse our hair, and after that, we headed back home. On our way, I saw the reflection of the bushes on the riverside, and I thought it was pretty. I took a few photos and I am posting these as my entry to @olgavita's Reflection Hunter Contest Round 168.

Thank you for reading and have a great weekend to all.

Your 11-year-old friend

May 24, 2024

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Very good shots, Nani!!!

Thank you, mommy 💖

Thank you @bhattg

!giphy welcome


Condolences to the whole family of the departed. 🙏

We also have the ritual in the province; we call it "panghugas". We usually go to the beach to wash our bodies the next day after sending our beloveds to their final resting place.

Thank you po, tita.

Thank you.

My deepest condolences Nani...nice entry and goodluck.

Thank you, tita Jean.

Wow awesome 😎 I love watching rivers u know, and there in your place is such an amazing view to stay relax and have a moment 😇

Thank you po, ate.

Hello dear friend @naniplayergamer
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry for your loss.
The photographs that you show us of reflections are beautiful

Thank you @jlufer 🙏

phillipines is traditional culture

Yes, it is. Thank you @latinowinner

Hello @naniplayergamer
I'm very sorry about your grandfather.
your photographs of reflections next to the river are beautiful

Thank you @miprimerconcurso 🙏

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