Reflections in the six windows [Esp/Eng].

Que alegría se siente comenzar la semana visitando esta hermosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  para darles a conocer algunas de las fotografías que hicimos en estos últimos días en compañía de mi abuelo

Source: Family Álbum

What a joy it feels to start the week visiting this beautiful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  to show you some of the photographs we took in these last few days in the company of my grandfather

Me sorprendió que mi abuelo preparara temprano el ¨desayuno¨, pero por sobre todas las cosas me llamo la atención que quisiera ir a caminar temprano por la reserva, si bien es verdad que la mañana estaba realmente hermosa, no es muy común comenzar el día por allí

Source: Family Álbum

I was surprised that my grandfather prepared the ¨breakfast¨, but above all, I was struck by the fact that he wanted to go for an early walk around the reserve. While it is true that the morning was really beautiful, it is not very common to start the day there

Es verdad que es un predio precioso y que me encanta caminar por allí, pero esta mañana estaba más reluciente que otros días, y creo que tiene que ver que no hace mucho ha llovido, y las plantas se las veía esplendida; como saben amo la naturaleza, pero por sobre todas las cosas las plantas con bellas flores, no hace falta decir que disfrute mucho ver esta planta tan colorida

Source: Family Álbum

It's true that it's a beautiful property and I love walking there, but this morning it was brighter than other days, and I think it has to do with the fact that it rained not long ago, and the plants looked splendid; as you know I love nature, but above all plants with beautiful flowers, needless to say I really enjoyed seeing this colorful plant

Ha sido genial iniciar el día caminado y haciendo fotografías hermosas a las plantas que vimos allí, pero lo que sucedió después del almuerzo ha sido realmente genial, dado que hemos salido a pasear, y saben que, fuimos a la ribera a disfrutar de la ¨tarde¨¨soleada¨

Source: Family Álbum

It was great to start the day walking and taking beautiful pictures of the plants we saw there, but what happened after lunch was really great, since we went out for a walk, and you know what, we went to the riverbank to enjoy the "sunny" afternoon

De regreso a casa con el ¨teléfono¨¨móvil¨ ¨MotoE7plus¨ de mi abuela fotografiamos seis ventanas que nos regalaban hermosos reflejos para participar de este genial ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  Esta es una de esas iniciativas que me encanta participar y trato de hacerla siempre

Source: Family Álbum

On the way home with my grandmother's "MotoE7plus" mobile phone, we photographed six windows that gave us beautiful reflections to participate in this great "ReflectionHuntersContest":  This is one of those initiatives that I love to participate in and I always try to do it


Source: Family Álbum


It was beautiful to start the day in the reserve, we took beautiful photographs of nature, although the ones we took in the city are gorgeous
I like the reflections that can be seen in those six windows

I also loved that we were at the property early, and the photos we took were beautiful, especially those of the flowers and the reflection of the sun in the river.

Beautiful click dear 😊

Thank you so much lady @mysteriousroad

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Thank you very much @hivebuzz for this information

You're making a big impact @miprimerconcurso! Keep up the fantastic work and you'll reach your Hive target in no time.

Thank you very much @hivecurators

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much brumest @qurator for supporting my post

Esos reflejos en las ventanas están espectaculares, claro que las sombras de la naturaleza también!!! Que tengas una linda tarde!💗

ha sido genial poder ver esas ventanas con bellos reflejos
Muchas gracias @avdesing


Lovely shots dear. I love those pink flowers 🌸. Best of luck 🥰❤️

The property is beautiful, there are many plants with beautiful flowers
Thank you very much lady @sunshine29

Always beautiful 😻 Enjoy your week ❤️