A Good Monday. #Reflection Hunters Contest Round 177

in Shadow Hunters2 months ago

The day is going on well. The weather is fine on its own perspective. Its own perspective because today, the weather will only fulfill what it can do and what has been programmed into it by God who controls each day. It's a nice experience that we have to have the smile and best wishes of friends and family members.

The greatest of all blessings in life is our relationships. We have relationship with friends (who are not necessarily our blood relatives but people who have come into our lives on the course of our walk through life). We also have the compulsory relationship with those who are our blood relatives. I termed it compulsory because as far as nature is concerned, we are bound to each other as long as life remains. Some people have been talking about disowning their relatives. This is not true. It's a false assertion because as long as you life, you and such person share the same blood.

This is a good Monday. We are going out to engage with our various vocations. That is good. It is good because we are alive to work. Those who are dead have ended their work. We are happy because we also believe that our endeavour will bear good profits. Or don't you believe that it shall be well with whatever you are doing today? Don't you believe that your business will bear positive fruits?

Please believe in yourself. Believe that God will favour you in your endeavors.

Today is a good Monday for me. I woke up strong and I’m sound in mind to go about my business. I am wishing you a fruitful day too.


I appreciate the positive message you share with us dear friend @mfontom
Beautiful reflection photos. Have a happy and prosperous day

Hello @mfontom
Your reflection photographs look beautiful.