Entry for the Shadow Hunters Contest Round ~315 SMASh

in Shadow Hunters3 months ago
Happy and blessed Thursday to all Hivers friends around the world; grateful for sharing a new post in the #ShadowHunters community and its weekly contests, it's the turn of number ~315. I also want to say hello to my friend @melinda010100 for allowing me to meet and be part of this great community.

Feliz y bendecido día Jueves para todos los amigos Hivers alrededor del mundo; agradecido por compartir una nueva publicación en la comunidad #ShadowHunters y sus concursos semanales toca el turno de l número ~315 también quiero saludar a la amiga @melinda010100 por permitirme conocer y formar parte de esta genial comunidad.

In recent days, some children from the area where I live, looking to find an unusual way to have fun, made a swing with an old rubber hanging on a Mango hook for the shade, which it also provides and that they are strong so that they can play without fear of that can break. I took photographs from different angles so you can see where this swing is located since it is a kind of downpipe to get to the other end more easily. Greetings and remember to continue supporting this great community such as #ShadowHunters with more weekly posts.

En días pasados unos niños del sector dónde vivo en busca de encontrar una manera poco habitual de divertirse, hicieron un Columpio con un caucho viejo colgado en un gancho de Mango por la sombra qué proporciona además que son fuertes para que ellos puedan jugar sin temor a que pueda romperse. Tomé fotografías desde distintos ángulos para qué observen dónde se encuentra ubicado este Columpio ya que es una especie de bajante para llegar más fácil hasta el otro extremo. Saludos y recuerden seguir apoyando a esta genial comunidad cómo lo es #ShadowHunters con más publicaciones semanales.


We had an old tire swing when we were kids. It was fun, but it filled up with water everytime it rained!


hjrrodriguez, melinda010100 sent you LUV. 🙂 (3/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Aww...this kind of creative plays is actually one of the best. Looking at those images blends with the song am currently listening and i couldn't help but recall childhood memories of seeing my mates create such and play as well. My mom wouldn't let us out of the house so i would only get to view from my house and admire my mates then, it should be great fun for the kids in your location.. If you could, add to the fun by taking them around to fun parks within your reach..I'm sure they'll love it and it would add to the fun too❤

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