Reflections in the Village Ponds (2): My Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest Round 173!

in Shadow Hunters2 months ago

Hello, again! How are you? Welcome to my post. This is going to be my entry post for the Reflection Hunters Contest Round 173. The pictures I am going to share were taken during the visit to my village. To be mentioned, these are separate pictures from those I shared in the Round 170!

During my stay at the village home, my son, nephew and I used to go for a short walk in the afternoon; not every day but most of the days. The following pictures were taken during such a walk.

It is full summer there. Moreover, in that particular area, we weren't getting rains frequently. As a result, the ponds were almost dried up except for a few with small qualities of water.

The photographs shows us the images of a remote village in Bangladesh!

Yes, in the village, trees are everywhere!

Okay. That's all for today. I hope that you enjoyed these village pond's photographs.


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Thanks a lot

Thanks a lot for the support :)

How great that you returned to your town and found these beautiful reflections in the pond, dear friend @hafiz34
Have a great day

Yes. It was great Indeed.

Thank for your nice words.


 28 days ago Reveal Comment