The church of San Agustín or San Francisco: An architectural jewel in Old Havana.[en/es]

in Architecture+Design9 months ago (edited)

Hello friends of Arquitectura + Diseño!

Recently, for various reasons, I have ventured through the narrow streets of Old Havana, a place of which we Cubans are very proud. Thanks to countless restorations carried out by the Office of the City Historian, this place has been rescued for the delight of both Cubans and foreigners who flood these streets in search of valuable architectural treasures.

On this occasion, I will tell you about the San Agustín Church, located on the corner of Amargura and Aguiar Streets. Despite the narrowness of the streets, which can sometimes be overwhelming and does not allow for detailed observation, this church stands out with its tall tower. As I approached, I could not take my eyes off its elaborate facade.

¡Hola amigos de Arquitectura + Diseño!

Recientemente por varios motivos, me he aventurado por las estrechas calles de la Habana Vieja, un lugar del cual los cubanos nos sentimos muy orgullosos. Gracias a innumerables restauraciones llevadas a cabo por la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad, este lugar ha sido rescatado para el deleite tanto de cubanos como de extranjeros que inundan estas calles en busca de valiosos tesoros arquitectónicos.

En esta ocasión, les hablaré de la Iglesia de San Agustín, ubicada en la esquina de las calles Amargura y Aguiar. A pesar de la estrechez de las calles, que a veces puede resultar abrumadora y no permite una observación detallada, esta iglesia destaca con su torre alta. A medida que me acercaba, no pude apartar la vista de su elaborada fachada.


According to a plaque next to the door, this religious complex has its origins in 1663, when the religious Order of St. Augustine settled on the island. However, in 1842 they left the country and later the Third Order of St. Francis settled in the place, carrying out restructurings. Because of this, the church presents varied architectural elements, exhibiting a Renaissance style with a marked Mexican influence.

Según una tarja junto a la puerta, este conjunto religioso tiene sus orígenes en 1663, cuando la Orden religiosa de San Agustín se estableció en la isla. Sin embargo, en 1842 abandonaron el país y posteriormente se estableció en el lugar la Orden Tercera de San Francisco, llevando a cabo reestructuraciones. Debido a esto, la iglesia presenta elementos arquitectónicos variados, exhibiendo un estilo renacentista con una marcada influencia mexicana.


The entrance is located on Aguiar Street and is guarded by an imposing wooden door with a beautiful carving at the top representing the coat of the Franciscan Order. This carving shows two outstretched arms crossing each other, one of them covered with a habit sleeve, and between the two arms rises a cross. The entire edge of the door is decorated and topped with a shield. On both sides of the entrance there are two imitations of columns made in relief with beautiful decorations, and on the exterior ones one can see the inscription "San Francisco" between the drawings.

La entrada se encuentra en la calle Aguiar y está custodiada por una imponente puerta de madera con una hermosa talla en la parte superior que representa el escudo de la Orden Franciscana. En esta talla se observan dos brazos extendidos que se cruzan, uno de ellos cubierto con una manga de hábito, y entre los dos brazos se alza una cruz. Todo el borde de la puerta está decorado y rematado con un escudo. A ambos lados de la entrada hay dos imitaciones de columnas realizadas a relieve con hermosas decoraciones, y en las exteriores se puede ver la inscripción "San Francisco" entre los dibujos.


The facade of the church is full of details. Next to the tower, the roof is formed by a triangle culminating in a cross, and at the base of the triangle there are seven small statues of clerical figures. Above the windows next to the entrance, there are triangles that harmonize with the upper part. The tower stands out for its considerable height, towering above the surrounding buildings.

La fachada de la iglesia está llena de detalles. Junto a la torre, el tejado está formado por un triángulo que culmina en una cruz, y en la base del triángulo hay siete pequeñas estatuas de figuras clericales. Sobre las ventanas junto a la entrada, hay triángulos que armonizan con la parte superior. La torre destaca por su considerable altura, sobresaliendo por encima de los edificios circundantes.


Although my initial intention was not to enter, as I was on my way to the Diversity Room to pick up the pieces we had exhibited there at the end of November last year, as I passed by the open door I could not resist the temptation to take a look inside. I was fascinated by the main altar, visible from the entrance despite the prevailing darkness.

Aunque mi intención inicial no era entrar, ya que me dirigía a la Sala de la Diversidad para recoger las piezas que habíamos expuesto allí a finales de noviembre del año pasado, al pasar junto a la puerta abierta no pude resistir la tentación de echar un vistazo al interior. Me fascinó el altar mayor, visible desde la entrada a pesar de la oscuridad reinante.


I advanced through the central aisle and, before reaching the main altar, I looked up and could admire an imposing dome fully decorated, from which hung a beautiful chandelier. I began to detail the altar, which was of great beauty and very elaborate, with columns, domes, arches, vases and several sculptures. It was a pity that the lighting was poor.

Avancé por la nave central y, antes de llegar al altar mayor, levanté la vista y pude admirar una imponente cúpula totalmente decorada, de la que colgaba una hermosa lámpara. Comencé a detallar el altar, que era de gran belleza , muy elaborado, con columnas, cúpulas, arcos, jarrones y varias esculturas. Era una lástima que la iluminación fuera escasa.


A great silence reigned in that enclosure, which led me to walk carefully so as not to disturb the peace that enveloped it. All around me rose square columns adorned with exquisite reliefs, and the undulating arches reminded me of the influence of Arab or Indian culture. The floors, gleaming, were of red granite with a border on each side, marking the path of passage.

Un gran silencio reinaba en aquel recinto, lo que me llevó a caminar con cuidado para no perturbar la paz que lo envolvía. A mi alrededor se alzaban columnas cuadradas adornadas con exquisitos relieves, y los arcos me recordaban por sus ondulaciones la influencia de la cultura árabe o india. Los suelos, relucientes, eran de granito rojo con una cenefa a cada lado, que marcaban el camino de paso.


The smaller altars were also beautiful. Upstairs there was a hallway with railings that led to large stained glass windows. Despite the short time I had to visit and the dim lighting, I was deeply impressed by the beauty of the place.

Los altares más pequeños también eran hermosos. En la planta alta se aprecia un pasillo con barandillas que conducía a grandes ventanas vitrales. A pesar del poco tiempo que tuve para visitarlo y de la escasa iluminación, me impresionó profundamente la belleza del lugar.


Here I leave you the photos I was able to take of this beautiful enclosure both outside and inside so that you can appreciate it. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and rest to start next week with renewed energy. see you soon! 👋👋

Aquí les dejo las fotos que pude tomar de este bonito recinto tanto de la parte exterior como interior para que puedan apreciarlo . Espero que todos tengan un maravilloso fin de semana y descansen para empezar la semana que viene con energías renovadas. ¡hasta pronto! 👋👋


The photos were taken with my Xiaomi Note 11 phone and merged and recreated in canva, where separators and banners were also made.

To review some data I consulted this page


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Hello my dear friend @lileisabel, this church you show us is beautiful, it is another of the jewels we have in our Havana. The photos are very nice. Nice weekend. A hug🤗💐😘

Hola mi querida amiga @lileisabel, es preciosa esta iglesia que nos muestras, es otra de las joyas que tenemos en nuestra Habana. Las fotos te quedaron muy bonitas. Lindo fin de semana. Un abrazo🤗💐😘

Muchas gracias querida, los cubanos a veces no sabemos lo que tenemos y estos tesoros nos esperan a la vuelta de la esquina. Feliz fin de semana para ti también querida ❤️

Thank you very much dear, we Cubans sometimes don't know what we have and these treasures are waiting for us around the corner. Happy weekend to you too dear ❤️ín_or_san_francisco_an/
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Es un privilegio poder visitar un lugar tan bonito.

IS a privilege to visit a place like this.

Así es querida y con tanta historia y estar tan bien conservado 👍

That's how it is, dear, with so much history and being so well preserved 👍

Thanks for the support 👍👍

I had seen this beauty of a building from the outside and when I drove by it once. Little did I know what a beauty it is on the inside. It is a jewel of architecture without a doubt. Thanks for sharing this my friend. An infinite hug 😘💜.


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That's right, dear, it had happened to me other times but this time I looked and I had to go in, wonderful, we have so many of you beautiful ones ❤️

I love church architecture, thank you my sister for sharing that majestic architectural work 🌹🌷💐🪷🌼🌺💮🌸🏵️🌻☘️.

That's right, a great hidden treasure in all these buildings 👍

Thanks to you, I have discovered that Havana has splendid architecture. This church is beautiful, with many details. I would love to know Havana.

I love Havana, with its beautiful things and others not so much, but every day it surprises us because it keeps treasures that those of us who like to walk through its streets captivate us again and again.

I had only seen the church from the outside, that door with so many details is amazing. Inside it is even more beautiful!

Si no pude pasarla por alto , es muy hermoso el lugar

If I couldn't overlook it, the place is very beautiful.

A wonderfull architecture and its great with the view😍

Thank you very much for the visit ❤️

Una excelente arquitectura sin duda alguna.

Muchas gracias querida , es una iglesia que encierra arquitectura e historia 👍

Thank you very much dear, it is a church that contains architecture and history 👍

Greetings friend, it is a pleasure to read your publication, the photos are beautiful and the church is very beautiful, the interior design is spectacular, they did a great job to recover it, no doubt a great jewel of architecture.

Have a great week!

Thank you dear, this is a great job, a jewel that we Cubans are proud of.👌👍

This church is truly magnificent. The carvings for the poles are also very cool. thank you for sharing

That's right, it has a spectacular design, thanks for stopping by.❤️

It is undoubtedly an architectural work like few others. You know that before those designs were used as advertising methods to attract the faithful to the church, to give them a vision of heaven with all the paintings, sculptures, stained glass windows and so on.

In those days people were humble and uneducated, so seeing these things was like going to a 4k movie theater for them. So it is interesting to know why the church used these designs in all its buildings, something that is still maintained in relatively more modern buildings.

How interesting what you say, I didn't know it, but it makes sense, it's like beautifying the path to God, and it also attracts parishioners.👍

Congratulations dear @lileisabel! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 56. More power!


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Thank you very much for being in the selection and for the good work you always do @aplusd

Always a tremendous pleasure to serve you dear @lileisabel. Keep delighting us with your fascinating A+D stories. More blessings! 😀