Habana Blues a magical place / Habana Blues un lugar mágico

in Architecture+Design7 months ago


Greetings to my friends of the Arquitectura+Diseño community.

A few days ago we celebrated my mom's birthday at a restaurant recommended by a friend called Habana Blues, located on H Street between 17 and 19 in the central neighborhood of Vedado, in Havana's Plaza de la Revolución municipality. I was immediately enthusiastic about the idea, since the name of the place coincided with the title of my son's favorite Cuban movie. In addition, I was told that the restaurant's customers were served by artists and art personalities, and that they offered masterfully prepared dishes. Without hesitation, we headed there, as everything looked very entertaining and I thought it would be a somewhat bohemian atmosphere that I love so much.

Saludos a mis amigos de la comunidad Arquitectura+Diseño.

Hace unos días celebramos el cumpleaños de mi mamá en un restaurante recomendado por un amigo llamado Habana Blues, ubicado en la calle H entre 17 y 19 del céntrico barrio del Vedado, en el municipio Plaza de la Revolución de La Habana. La idea me entusiasmó de inmediato, ya que el nombre del lugar coincidía con el título de la película cubana favorita de mi hijo. Además, me dijeron que los clientes del restaurante eran atendidos por artistas y personalidades del arte, y que ofrecían platos preparados con maestría. Sin dudarlo, nos dirigimos allí, ya que todo parecía muy entretenido y pensé que sería un ambiente un tanto bohemio que tanto me gusta.

When I arrived, the place did not seem anything out of the ordinary. It had the appearance of a well-kept colonial house, although it caught my attention that the carte of the restaurant's name was located on a peculiar fountain made of bricks, with a coffee pot and an old pot, something rustic, but I like that kind of decoration, I always think that making something new and striking from things in disuse is spectacular.

Cuando llegué, el lugar no parecía nada fuera de lo común. Tenía la apariencia de una casa colonial bien cuidada, aunque me llamó la atención que el carte del nombre del restaurant estaba situado sobre una peculiar fuente hecha de ladrillos, con una cafetera y una olla vieja, algo rústico, pero me gusta ese tipo de decoración, siempre pienso que hacer algo nuevo y llamativo a partir de cosas en desuso es espectacular.

When I entered this amazing place, I discovered that the decoration had certain similarities with the brick fountain I mentioned earlier. The design consisted of a combination of walls lined with bricks and stones, and the presence of water, both marine and from springs, something characteristic of our country for being an island surrounded by sea and crossed by numerous rivers and springs. All this was adorned with an artistic touch.

Crossing the bridge, whose floor was made of opaque glass and underneath were numerous river stones through which water flowed abundantly, one experienced the sensation of walking on a river. However, when looking up, one could appreciate an inverted seabed that offered a peculiar view of our coasts, adding a touch of unusual beauty.

Cuando entré en ese asombroso lugar, descubrí que la decoración guardaba ciertas similitudes con la fuente de ladrillos que mencioné anteriormente. El diseño consistía en una combinación de paredes revestidas de ladrillos y piedras, y la presencia del agua, tanto marina como proveniente de manantiales, algo característico de nuestro país por ser una isla rodeada de mar y atravesada por numerosos ríos y manantiales. Todo esto estaba adornado con un toque artístico.

Al cruzar el puente, cuyo suelo era de cristal opaco y debajo había numerosas piedras de río por las que corría abundante agua, se experimentaba la sensación de caminar sobre un río. Sin embargo, al mirar hacia arriba, se podía apreciar un fondo marino invertido que ofrecía una peculiar vista de nuestras costas, añadiendo un toque de inusitada belleza.


We were placed in the Blues room, whose decoration is a little difficult to appreciate in the photos due to the blue color and the low lighting. I show you what I was able to photograph. It has a huge fish tank and the tables and chairs were made of wood. In one corner of the room there was a small fountain, where the water came out of an ornament that turned out to be a twisted violin. On the wall was a guitar along with pictures of well-known musicians. But what I liked most were the ceilings, decorated with piano keyboards. In this room the decoration had to do with music, there were also walls covered with stones.

Nos ubicaron en la sala Blues, cuya decoración es un poco difícil de apreciar en las fotos debido al color azul y a la poca iluminación. Les muestro lo que pude fotografiar. Tiene una enorme pecera y las mesas y sillas eran de madera. En una esquina de la habitación había una pequeña fuente, donde el agua salía de un adorno que resultó ser un violín retorcido. En la pared había una guitarra junto con fotos de músicos conocidos. Pero lo que más me gustó fueron los techos, decorados con teclados de piano. En esta sala la decoración tenía que ver con la música, también había paredes cubiertas de piedras.


The central room has a bar designed to imitate the wall of the Malecón Habanero, and in the background there is a relief representation of the lighthouse that can be seen from the Malecón. This bar has high chairs. In the rest of the room there are several wooden tables and chairs, in addition to the large fish tank. Looking up, before reaching the ceiling, you can see all along the room the wall of the Malecon, on some sides imitating mold giving it a realistic look and people sitting on it, as usual.

La sala central tiene un bar diseñado a imitación del murodel Malecón Habanero, y al fondo hay una representación en relieve del faro que se ve desde el Malecón. Esta barra dispone de sillas altas. En el resto de la sala hay varias mesas y sillas de madera, además de la gran pecera. Mirando hacia arriba, antes de llegar al techo, se puede ver a lo largo de toda la sala el muro del Malecón, en algunos lados imitando moho dandole un aspecto realista y gente sentada en el, como es habitual.


Then there is another room that simulates a cavern, with stalactites, the walls covered with stones and bricks. It has a small bar, tables and wooden chairs. This place has several levels, as if you were inside a cavern and a rustic stone fireplace.

Luego hay otra sala que simula una caverna, con estalactitas, las paredes cubiertas de piedras y ladrillos. Tiene un pequeño bar, mesas y sillas de madera. Este local tiene varios niveles, como si estuvieras dentro de una caverna y una chimenea rústica de piedra.

There is a small room called "Enrique Molina", in honor of this great Cuban actor, one of the great promoters of the creation of this restaurant, as an artists' project. This tireless actor starred in countless films and television series that went around the world. He is very much loved by the Cuban people, who are very proud to have had an artist of such high quality and versatility. In this room there is a large picture with his photo, one of the walls has some of his belongings and several photos representing his characters. On another wall there is vegetation and an imitation of a well, just under the stones water gushes.

Hay una pequeña sala llamada "Enrique Molina", en honor a este gran actor cubano, uno de los grandes impulsores de la creación de este restaurante, como proyecto de artistas. Este incansable actor protagonizó innumerables películas y series de televisión que dieron la vuelta al mundo. Es muy querido por el pueblo cubano, que siente un gran orgullo haber contado con un artistas de tan alta calidad y versatilidad. En esta sala hay un gran cuadro con su foto, una de las paredes tiene algunas de sus pertenencias y varias fotos representando sus personajes. En otra pared hay vegetación y una imitación de un pozo, justo debajo de las piedras brota agua.



The attention and service is provided by different artists and personalities of the artistic world, my mother was lucky enough to be attended by her favorite, the director and screenwriter Lissett Vila, with whom she was photographed. My mother enjoyed her stay in this place very much. We were all happy together with her, enjoying the exquisite food and a spectacular place.

La atención y servicio está a cargo de diferentes artistas y personalidades del mundo artístico, mi madre tuvo la suerte de ser atendida por su favorita, la directora y guionista Lissett Vila, con quien se fotografió. Mi madre disfrutó mucho de su estancia en este lugar. Todos fuimos felices junto a ella, disfrutando de la exquisita comida y de un lugar espectacular.

I hope you also enjoyed it and when you pass through Havana do not hesitate to go to this beautiful place, no doubt you will feel great.

Espero que ustedes también lo hallan disfrutado y cuando pasen por La Habana no duden en ir a este hermoso lugar, sin duda se sentirán genial.

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Xiaomi Note 11, unidas y recreadas en canva.
Usar Traductor DeepL

The photos were taken with my Xiaomi Note 11 phone, joined and recreated in canva.
Use Translator DeepL


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Wow hermana @lileisabel , he quedado maravillada con tanta belleza, es un lugar con una gran dinámica. Me gustó mucho la sala dedicada a Enrique Molina, ojalá pudiera ir a ese gran restaurante donde artistas de diferentes ámbitos son los que atienden. Te felicito es un excelente lugar, me alegro que mami y tu lo disfruten 🌹🌷🏵️💮🌻🪷💐🌼🌸🥀🌺☘️

Wow sister @lileisabel I have been amazed with so much beauty, it is a place with a great dynamic. I really liked the room dedicated to Enrique Molina, I wish I could go to that great restaurant where artists from different fields are the ones who attend. I congratulate you it's an excellent place, I'm glad that mommy and you will enjoy it 🌹🌷🏵️💮🌻🪷💐🌼🌸🥀🌺☘️

Gracias mi hermana @taniagonzalez , se que disfrutas mucho a traves de nosotros, pero tengo que fe que vengas y vayamos juntas a ese lugar, estoy seguta que la pasaremos bien.👍❤️

Thank you my sister @taniagonzalez , I know you enjoy a lot through us, but I have to faith that you come and we go together to that place, I'm sure we will have a good time.👍❤️

Si hermana , me pareció un lugar fantástico 😘🌹🌷

Yes sister , I thought it was a fantastic place 😘🌹🌷.

Nice place and I know you had a great time and your mommy was very happy, in the picture with Lissett Vila. Thanks for sharing. Happy week.🥰🤗

Thanks for commenting, yes my mom was very happy Me too for being able to provide you with such a beautiful moment, greetings friend @mamani

Greetings to both of you 🤗🥰.

Yay! 🤗
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Hermoso restaurante me encanta el diseño y la forma que le dieron es increíble

If it has a spectacular design, I also have very good service and super food 👍

Saludos estimada amiga, primero que nada muchas felicidades para tu mamá, le deseo que cumpla muchísimos más🤗♥️.

Por otra parte, que post más bonito y detallado, da mucho gusto leerte.👍

Las fotos que tomaste están espectaculares. Me encantaron. Por cierto ese lugar se ve muy bonito y acogedor. Seguramente es toda una experiencia poder visitarlo y comer en familia ahí.

Pues estimada amiga le deseo un excelente día. Y desde acá a lo lejos le mando saludos para tu mamá también. 🤗

Ohhh amigo , que bonito comentario , te agradezco mucho las felicidades para mi mamá , ella lo paso divino ,parecía una niña y el lugar es súper fabuloso , parece que entras a una película y eres uno de esos personajes . Un muy buen ambiente y todos presto ha que lo pasáramos muy bien

Ohhh friend, what a nice comment, I really appreciate the congratulations for my mom, she had a wonderful time, she looks like a girl and the place is super fabulous, it seems like you're walking into a movie and you're one of those characters. A very good atmosphere and everyone quickly had a great time

Precioso restaurante el que escogiste para celebrar junto a tu madre. Muchas felicidades y bendiciones mil.

Thank you friend, I wanted it to be special for her, a hug ❤️

Saludos cordiales y primero lo primero FELICIDADES a tu mamita. El lugar es precioso muchas gracias por compartirlo. Parece otro mundo. Todo con buen gusto y elegancia. Me imagino que pasaron un rato como de película. No quiero preguntar por los precios para no aguar la fiesta. Un día es un día. Felicidades un abrazo.

A big greeting to you and it was an incredible evening, it seems like we were filming a movie, not to mention the prices haha, but as you say friend, a day is a day and I wanted it to be special for her ❤️

Undoubtedly, Havana is full of magical corners!... Excellent article, very good photos!... A big round of applause for you and your work!...

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Thank you friend, you are very kind, it is a surprising little corner of Havana. I appreciate that you appreciate it, although I know the photos didn't turn out as good as I would have liked because the place was a little dark. Greetings 👋

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Wao qué excelente lugar. Gracias por compartir y dejarnos ver esos pedacitos de la Habana. Cordiales saludos

Wow what an excellent place. Thank you for sharing and letting us see those little pieces of Havana. greetings

Gracias amigo , es un fabuloso lugar , tenía muchas ganas de agasajar a mi mamá , sabía que ese lugar sería un buen regalo para ella , tiene un diseño artístico y el servicio y la comida es excelente ❤️

Thank you friend, it is a fabulous place, I really wanted to entertain my mother, I knew that this place would be a good gift for her, it has an artistic design and the service and food is excellent ❤️

Qué ambientación tan agradable tiene ese lugar. Me encantó ver las teclas del piano en el techo y las luces con matices azules. Muy bonita experiencia, y sobre todo porque es en familia 🥰. Han quedado bien lindas todas las fotos.

What a nice ambiance that place has. I loved seeing the piano keys on the ceiling and the blue tinged lights. Very nice experience, and especially because it is with the family 🥰. All the photos are beautiful.

Muchas gracias amiga , gracias por pasar , estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, no dejo de reconocer que tiene un lindo diseño y muy cubano pero lo mejor es que fuimos con la familia y mi mamá lo paso súper . Las fotos no fueron lo mejor porque el lugar es oscuro.❤️

Thank you very much friend, thank you for stopping by, I totally agree with you, I cannot fail to recognize that it has a nice design and very Cuban but the best thing is that we went with the family and my mother had a great time. The photos were not the best because the place is dark.❤️

It is a really beautiful place.Blue is a color that provides a lot of serenity and calm. I liked it a lot.

It's really fascinating, from the moment you enter it seems like you're in a filming, it's a very nice experience 👍❤️, thank you for stopping by

¡Qué maravilla todos esos detalles! ¿Cuánto se habrán tardado en terminarlo? Es chévere que existan estos lugares que te sumergen en un concepto, recuerdo esa película, la vi hace unos años, ¡saludos @lileisabel!

How wonderful all those details, how long did they take to finish it? It's cool that there are these places that immerse you in a concept, I remember that movie, I saw it a few years ago, greetings @lileisabel!

It is a project for artists that took years to make come true but it was worth it, it was a wonderful experience ❤️👍Ahh and that movie is great in everything, very sad because it reflects many realities but the performances are masterful.


Que lindo lugar amiga, ideal para celebrar el cumpleaños de tu mami, que se merece lo mejor, FELICIDADES 🎉🎈🤗

Asie es amiga , fue una velada espectacular 👋😅

That's right friend, it was a spectacular evening 👋😅

Greetings @lileisabel, It is clearly a place of artistic value with very beautiful architectural elements. Although the photographs have a blurry appearance, they can be analyzed clearly. Elements of a colonial era certainly add to the historical value.

It is a beautiful restaurant. I love the decoration and the fish tank I loved it.

Sin duda alguna un lugar muy peculiar con una decoración digna de admirar.

Thank you very much, that's how it is 👍😘

Hi friend, what a beautiful place, all the rooms are beautiful, but without a doubt the blue one is my favorite, the lamp is great, thanks for sharing an amazing tour.


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Thank you very much @aplusd, for the recognition of the work and always being up to date 👍🏽🙏🏽

It is a tremendous pleasure to serve you dear @lileisabel. Thank you for constantly sharing A+D stories that continue to fascinate us. Keep up the awesomeness! 😀

Hello @lileisabel.. It was a very nice post. I really liked the model of the chairs. 🐝👍👍

I'm glad, I thought it was fantastic haha, the chairs in all the rooms except the main one, which is a different style, are made from a tree that here in Cuba we call cane brava haha