A Colorful Square [ENG/SPA]

in Architecture+Design8 months ago


Greetings friends who love architecture and design. Relatively recently here in my city they inaugurated a square that had been neglected for a long time. The place was very ugly and very few people walked through the place, but since they remodeled the square and created new spaces, the place came to life and now is a simply beautiful place and very frequented by the community.


Saludos amigos amantes de la arquitectura y el diseño. Hace relativamente poco aquí en mi ciudad inauguraron una plaza que desde hace tiempo la tenían descuidada. El lugar estaba muy feo y muy pocas personas transitaban el lugar, pero desde que remodelaron la plaza y crearon nuevos espacios, el lugar tomó vida y ahora es un sitio simplemente hermoso y muy frecuentado por la comunidad.


It is a plaza with a lot of music oriented decorations, this plaza is called Professor Franklin Sanchez, a community artist. It is very interesting that they have chosen music as a decoration and have given it so much color, because music can certainly bring a lot of color to life, so I think it is appropriate that this plaza has music and color as the basis for all its designs.

Es una plaza con muchas decoraciones orientadas a la música, esta plaza se llama Profesor Franklin Sanchez, un artista de la comunidad. Es muy interesante que hayan elegido la música como decoración y le hayan dado tanto color, porque la música ciertamente puede brindar mucho color a la vida, así que considero apropiado que esta plaza tenga la música y el color como base para todos sus diseños.


At the right entrance of the plaza one can find a series of stairs of 10 long and wide steps, which precede the central patio of the plaza. On one side of this is a small inclined cube with the coat of arms of my city on the front and a plaque with the name of the plaza in the upper area.

En la entrada derecha de la plaza uno puede encontrar una serie de escaleras de 10 escalones largos y amplios, que preceden el patio central de la plaza. A un costado de esta se encuentra un pequeño cubo inclinado con el escudo de mi ciudad en la parte frontal y una placa con el nombre de la plaza en el área superior.



Once we enter the plaza, one finds all the internal decoration. The truth is a large, very nice and extensive area to spend an afternoon or evening with the family, since at night people go to eat, because they sell fast food and ice cream on one side of the square.

On the other hand, in the center of it all is a rather large bust of Professor Franklin Sanchez. With a huge treble clef on the pillar where the bust is.

Una vez entramos a la plaza, uno se encuentra toda la decoración interna. La verdad es un área grande, muy bonita y extensa para uno pasar una tarde o una noche con la familia, ya que por la noche las personas van a comer, porque venden en uno de los lados de la plaza comida rápida y helados.

Por otra parte, en el centro de todo está un busco bastante grande del Profesor Franklin Sanchez. Con una enorme clave de sol en el pilar en el que está el busto.


In the background of the central part, there are a series of concrete sheets, I do not know if they have another name, painted in different colors, designs and beautiful lines that continue alluding to the whole theme of the square, the music.

They are numerous sheets of a considerable size, which are not accessible because they are in the green areas, ones that the guards of the square are in charge of taking care of, so that people do not step on them and damage them.

A manera de fondo de la parte central, hay una serie de láminas de concreto, no sé si tendrán otro nombre, pintadas de distintos colores, diseños y líneas muy bonitas que continúan haciendo alusión a todo el tema de la plaza, la música.

Son numerosas láminas de un tamaño considerable, a las que no se accede porque están en las áreas verdes, unas que los vigilantes de la plaza se encargan de cuidar, para que las personas no pisen y dañen.



Something that has always made me curious about this decoration are these containers that were left there. I find it curious that they placed them as decoration of the square because it even seems improvised to me.

Maybe they ran out of paint to decorate there or they saw that it was an empty space, maybe they had no idea how to fill it and just placed all those containers cut in half in that corner, one on top of the other. I personally feel that they clash with the rest of the decoration, but curiously in this staircase is where people usually take the most pictures, with those containers in the background.

Algo que siempre me ha causado curiosidad de esta decoración son estos contenedores que dejaron allí. Me resulta curioso que los colocaran como decoración de la plaza porque hasta me resulta improvisado.

Quizás se les acabó la pintura para decorar allí o vieron que era un espacio vacío, quizás no tenían ninguna idea de cómo llenarlo y simplemente colocaron todos esos contenedores cortados a la mitad en esa esquina, uno sobre otro. Yo personalmente siento que desentonan con el resto de la decoración, pero curiosamente en esta escalera es donde las personas suelen tomarse más fotos, con esos contenedores de fondo.


Another kind of art that was built were these colorful iron shapes, which to me look like beach umbrellas, but you can see them in the pictures and give your opinions, because that's what they look like to me, but they look very nice and unlike the containers that I mentioned before, these do fit very well with the rest of the decoration of the square.

Otra suerte de arte que se construyó fueron estas coloridas formas de hierro bastante coloridas, que a mi parecer parecen paraguas de playa, pero ustedes pueden verlos en las fotografías y dar sus opiniones, porque a mi es lo que me parecen, pero se ven muy lindos y a diferencia de los contenedores que les mencioné antes, estos sí cuadran muy bien con el resto de la decoración de la plaza.



As I said, the plaza is very well decorated with numerous green areas in the surroundings, something that helps it a lot because if you have been observant, the green (not the color but the natural), is not something that stands out a lot in this plaza. There is a lot of concrete and NO trees, I repeat, no trees, something that is usually present in this kind of places.

It is a failure, because during the day the place is completely alone, as you can see in the photo, because there is not even a shadow to take shelter from the intense sun. However, in the evenings many people do arrive, since there is no longer that inclement sun that scares people away.

Como dije, la plaza esta muy bien decorada con numerosas áreas verdes en los alrededores, algo que la ayuda mucho porque si han sido observadores, lo verde (no el color sino lo natural), no es algo que resalte mucho en esta plaza. Hay mucho concreto y NO hay árboles, repito, no hay árboles, algo que suele haber en este tipo de lugares.

Es un fallo, porque durante el día el lugar está completamente solo, tal como pueden ver en la foto, pues no hay ni una sombra para refugiarse del intenso sol que hay. Sin embargo, en las noches sí llega mucha gente, pues ya no hay ese sol inclemente que ahuyente a las personas.



As you can see, a square with a very nice design and attractive to the eye, although it does have its details such as the lack of trees, but it is a very visited place at least when there is no sun.

It was what I wanted to share with you, one of the most visually beautiful squares in my small town.

Como ven, una plaza con un diseño muy lindo y atractivo a la vista, aunque sí tiene sus detalles como el de la falta de árboles, pero es un lugar muy visitado al menos cuando no hay sol.

Era lo que deseaba compartir con ustedes, una de las plazas más bonitas visualmente de mi pequeña ciudad.



Well friends, this has been all for now. I hope you liked my publication, I invite you to leave your opinions below in the comments, as always I will be happy to read them. I appreciate that you took the time to read me, without more to add I say goodbye then.

See you next time!

Bien amigos, esto ha sido todo por ahora. Espero que mi publicación haya sido de su agrado, los invito a dejar sus opiniones abajo en los comentarios, como siempre estaré encantado de leerlos. Agradezco que se tomaran el tiempo de leerme, sin más que agregar me despido entonces

¡Hasta la próxima!




An impressive place. I love the colors and the harmony of the elements.

Great pictures... thanks for taking us for a ride.


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A walk through the square hehehe it is certainly a very beautiful place, at night it is a magical place.

A beautiful site, full of colors, shapes among much that it brings, that was worth sharing. 💙 💙


Yes, that is what characterizes it, the colorfulness. Certainly a place worth sharing.

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How beautiful is the square really, I liked it very much, thanks for sharing a greeting <3

Thanks to you for commenting, it's a pleasure to share this place with you.

It is a quite modern square and the colorfulness helps to give it that highlighting touch, the metal containers I think it is part of the landscaping they are looking to show and the concrete pillars I think they are called monoliths.

Yeah, I found that interesting about the containers, but in my opinion they look weird grouped all in one corner hehehe, but they don't look bad either.

Greetings @gaboamc2393, A striking feature is that beautiful shapes with different color combinations have been created on the wall. It is an important aspect to have planted ornamental plants and adopted a green concept.

That's because the square is almost entirely made of concrete, so the plants do very well and give more life to the place, as well as a bit of freshness.

What a beautiful square, the combination of colors is great and gives life and joy to the square, I like the decorative monoliths and their beautiful drawings alluding to music, definitely the circles or colorful umbrellas are the great attraction of the square, they look spectacular and contrast with the landscape, the painters did a beautiful and colorful job.

Happy weekend!

Yes, the artist did a great job with the decoration of the square, it is a beautiful place that is well worth visiting and immortalizing through photos here on the blockchain. In one of the photos you can find the artist's instagram.

Congratulations dear @gaboamc2393! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER UP in Architecture Anthology™ 63. More power!


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Thank you so much for considering my post for the catalog, it is a privilege!

With great pleasure dear @gaboamc2393. Keep up the incredibly amazing A+D stories! 😀