My Journey to Prioritizing Health & Personal Hygiene Practices

in Hive Reachout4 months ago

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog once again. I'm so excited to participate in this week's contest because I have a whole lot of experience to share with you concerning this topic.

When you have a busy life as a student and living in environment you have to work, and engage in social networks, in this process your health becomes a thing that can wait. Until I had a health challenge that made me understand the need to take care of myself, I did not practice personal hygiene.

As far as hygiene was concerned, for example washing my hands often or paying adequate attention to my teeth I was a mere spectator until the advanced level of this system. I would sometime go several hours without eating anything, or I would grab something quick on set like chips which are rather unhealthy, without giving the body the nutrients it needs.


But when I was so tired most of the times, and was a victim of recurrent flue and other illnesses, I realised that I had to change something. One day, I woke up with the resolve to take charge of my health and proceeded to adopt the best personal cleanliness.
I first made hand washing with soap and water at least five times a day before touching objects or before eating food. I ensured that I brushed my teeth morning and at night also flossed and had dental appointments at least twice in a year.


Besides washing hands and keeping my mouth clean, I also did all I could to shower everyday, wash my clothes when necessary and also kept my nails neat and short. I increased my dietary intake of fruits, vegetables as well as whole grain products and ensured that I took a lot of water during the day

By the time I had shifted towards being cleaner and improving the standard of my hygiene, I felt much better. Cannot complain, as I felt much more energetic, my immune system was boosted, and the texture of my skin and body also improved.

Paying particular to my health and hygiene has been switched to another level of importance and is now a must have in my everyday practice. Besides, it has also assisted me in maintaining health, avoiding diseases, building up my confidence, as well as raising my self-esteem.

From the six points on practicing good health and hygiene, one has realize that it is not selfish to take care of the body. More to the point, by providing for my needs, I am more ready to meet the everyday struggles and deal with anything that I encounter.

Hygiene goes beyond washing hands and bathing, this means that hygiene involves taking care of ourself as we are. It also consists in washing our clothes and our body, cutting our nails and washing hands often, and using condoms to reduce the possibilities of contracting an STI. When such practices are done every day, we shall prevent illnesses and infections to ourselves and those close to us.

Therefore, good health and personal hygiene are very much related to each other; one cannot be overemphasized without appreciating the other. Small decisions to look after ourselves lead to happier, healthier lives and show that people’s best interests are not at odds with economic growth. So let us all take a pledge to make personal hygiene a daily activity and get to exploit all the much deserved advantage of clean living.

Thus, let me remind you that health is your most valuable asset – protect it, value it, and see how it turns the wheel in your favor.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Truly health should be taken as a valuable asset

Truly,health is our most valuable asset. Thank