Facin my fears as a first time cyclist

in Cycling8 months ago

Many times when I walk along the street and see some random kids riding a bike on the street or even some trying to learn it in their compound or on the fields. I will always feel like approaching them and ask to allow me a few minutes to ride. But where the problem lies is the fact that my shy ways will never allow me to even utter a single word out of my lips.

All of these imaginary scenes stick in my brain. The first was me wondering what if the bicycle loses its balance and then falls on one side? I still wonder how they get to ride on two straight wheels and keep moving forward.

My mind was filled with the thoughts of getting a bike but I never had a penny to buy one not to talk of pricing one. The moment I start contributing to buy one, my money won’t even last a day before I spend it again.

The core fact is that anytime I am along the roadside and I see someone cycling on a one-way road, then all I think about is how they even manage themselves from all of the lorries and trailers that are facing them head-on.

There was a night when I had no choice but to start walking gradually to the roadside, imagining that I was on a bicycle, since I couldn't ride the pedestrian way I had to ride on the road. I will face a bus coming from a far distance and see myself trying to ride my bike without getting to crash on it.

At some point, I began to have imaginary confidence in myself that I would be able to do it. But little did I know that imagination is way distanced from reality.

Those days were so crazy. Only if I could start riding a bike. I became a fan of every cyclist I came across on the street, to the extent that I even downloaded different types of bike racing games on my phone. I will play the stunts, practice tilting, and keep my imagination higher.

My first-time experience

There was a time when we visited our hometown, then I saw Grandpa's rally bicycle. That was just too tall an old-fashioned bicycle, it was the one he rode to farm back then. Despite the old look and flat tires. I was tempted to touch the pedals and see how it would control the back wheel. I thought it was something so stiff but I realized it’s on 360 so that’s what makes it balanced with the pedal rod. I sat on it on that very day though my feet were unable to touch the pedal.

Finally on the street

It was finally the time for me to face my fears. It's high time I ride on the road and make my long-time imagination come to reality. It took just a day to get the balance of the bike. Because I had indoor practice before going to the street.

My first ride on the major road was so smooth, that I hardly encountered any vehicle on my way, just motorcycles, tricycles, and other cyclists too. I was so proud of myself not until I had to face my Waterloo.

There was a turn by the right, which was just another street with fewer bumps, so I decided to explore the street. Getting to turn, I saw a big truck approaching me. Out of fear, I swung the handlebars in another direction, then eased on the pedal speed. But in just a few minutes I met myself inside the bush where an old fence became a barricade between me and sloppy terrain.

I was there for hours before I could come to my senses and then summoned the courage to face any upcoming vehicle ahead of me. My bro told me to tilt the handlebar a bit and then straighten it when I feel I am free from the side of any vehicle approaching me. I did that and I realized it was just something so easy. Since then I began to face any vehicle and even wait till it gets closer before I make any move.



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