Understanding and Managing the Mental Maze

in The City of Neoxian9 months ago

The world we live in have solved many problems but then, there are still so many problems to be solved. We then begin to wonder why we humans are different when it comes to handling mental stability and troubled mind even though we are the same specie; well, the answer is that as humans, we have over 70 thousand flash thoughts daily and one problem we have is learning how to execute them.

I have noticed that a lot of people just let experiences rush through their mind, without properly checking what could be wrong, what could be done, and what mood they really are. The problem with not properly digesting and analyzing experiences and thoughts that rush through our mind is that they come back to hunt us giving us mental troubles. When we begin to dwell in this hunt without properly sorting them out, we begin to talk about depression.


We could say the word depression is associated with sadness that is yet to be understood itself, and depression is often accompanied with irritability which is a product of worrying that is yet to understand itself. We are outward facing creature and we believe in actions but since our world is changing, we are beginning to live in a fulfilled driving world we are becoming more troubled.

Depression in our world will be regarded as stored emotions that we didn't properly analyze and release out. Emotions that have not been acknowledged leads to a lot of emotional problems.

Understanding the inherent imperfection of the human experience is crucial in navigating these mental challenges. Often, depression is fueled by the erroneous belief that we are flawed in comparison to others whom we perceive as perfect. Recognizing that imperfection is a universal human trait can be a significant step towards mental wellness. We are all flawed and we can aim to be better but not perfect.