#31: It's Best To Always Plan Your Time

in The City of Neoxian4 months ago

The live we live in very simple and regular with time, If you’re not going to plan everything down to the last detail, maybe you think it's not that necessary, then at least it’s good to have a general plan set in place so that you know at least what you’re going to be doing the majority of the day, week or month. For many people, a plan helps them to become more focused and organized in whatever they do, with the help of a plan you know what to do at any given time, you will know how long it should take you, and you do not get so lost that you do not know what to do next.


Before you even start, try and define personal expectations for yourself either as short-term or long term, it is necessary to divide these goals into simpler tasks to make a daily or weekly schedule and make work clearly outlined in order to effectively achieve planned goals.

Develop your timetable to better fit in so every task is allocated a certain time of the day, including time for meals, and other personal obligations. Take notice of the simple things you do, try to be accountable sort them by priority and work on those that are most important in order to make some progress in your goals.

This means that at the end of every day, look back at what you did and correct that which you perceive is a misallocation of your time. That is why if you are to devise a particular plan then if you are to follow the plan, the one and only thing you experience is efficiency enough to achieve more productivity and personal satisfaction. Try it in practice and understand how useful it is to plan in terms of time.