Key to Gold verification/Reblog lottery

in The City of Neoxian2 months ago


In this post I share the key to gold verification, that'a pun becouse the machine is made by a company that goes by Kee.

I already got a sigma metal verification machine but that one is made for coins and bars and dosen't work great for jewlery or cutlery or oddly shaped samples.

This new machine works better for jewelry but it' mostly gold centric however it can also test platinum, I got this machine on Amazon it's cheaper then my sigma but still not the cheapest, I was excited to get this machine however I did not realize you need a known 18k sample for calibaration. I didn't have any 18K gold so I had to also purchase this small 18k calibaration plain round.


Unfrotunetly I am not really sure how this machine works they makers are very vauge I am guessing to make it slighly harder for it to be coppied but with the set up it's fairly easy to deduce that it's electicity based likely using the conductivity or resistance of the sample using the 2 probes (the round silver looking plate is the negative terminal while the wand is the positive, would be cool if it worked for sivler too but perhaphs it's not feasible with their tecnology.

Right below you see me testing the 18k sample there is a nob on the left side and it is used to adjust the needle during initial calibaration or recalibaration.


Now we test it on my gold ring and as you can see we getting a 14k reading on the ring base as it should even though the jewler that custom made it forgot to add a purity stamp.


And the coin inside is 24k or pure gold and it too checks out.


Over all a great little tool, I too hope to make some metal verification machines eventualy, perhaphs I can find some better methods and change the game who knows, only time will tell.

Reblog lottery

We got 31 participants for our reblog lottery this time around.
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and the winner this time around is....



Wow so close to +10% profit share but it's a dud.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That's pretty cool, although it should have come with a calibration round in my opinion. It would make it more expensive though, and tougher to sell. Nice new toy!

Thanks yeah I don't mind I sort of like this one !BBH !LOL !hiqvote

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The more reliable tools to verify the quality of Precious metals products the better I'd say.

Totally you got a few verification gadgets of your own !BBH !PIMP

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I too hope to make some metal verification machines eventually

I admire you for investing on yourself, @bitcoinman ! Kudos to you.

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The best kind of investment!BBH !LOL

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Nicely done, interesting

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Wow I did not knew gold verification would be such a complicated process.