Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Knock Out

in HiveGhana4 months ago


Image from @splinterlands

Hello everyone, this is my entry to the splinterlands battle mage challenge for this week. I will be describing one of my battles with the given ruleset. I used my account @yahuzah which is my spl account for all battles.


Battle Ruleset

Ruleset IconDescription
image.pngWands Out : Only monsters with magic attack may be used in battle
image.pngHeavy Hittters : All monsters have the knockout ability
image.pngLost Legendries : Legendary battles may not be used in battle

My enemy's Lineup



Summoner chosen


For this battle, I chose the Owster Rotwell summoner to give my monsters the magic reflect ability.


Battle Tactics

In first position, I selected Prismatic Energy for the high health.


Prismatic Energy in first position


I selected Magi of Chaos in second position. Amongst my remaining options to choose from, it had the second highest health.


Magi of Chaos in the second position


In the third position, I selected Death Elemental for its snipe ability.


Death Elemental in third position


In the fourth position I selected Cabalist for its amplify ability.


Cabalist in the fourth position

In the fifth position, I selected, Dark Enchantress.


Dark Enchantress in the fifth position


In the last position, I selected Magi Necrosi for its snipe and camouflage abilities.


Magi Necrosi Florre in last position


Battle Details

I believe I got carried away with my summoner choice which made me select a wrong team.

Summoner buffs and debuffs took effect and the battle began with my enemy's fifth monster attacking my second monster with 2 magic and receiving a magic reflect of 2 magic. I attacked with my last monster against my enemy's second monster while my fifth and first monsters attacked his first monster. My third monster killed my enemy's second monster.


My enemy's first monster attacked and stunned my first monster, receiving a magic reflect of 2 back and allowing the *knock out ability come into effect when its last monster did double damage of 4 magic on my first monster. The last monster received magic reflect damage back. My second monster killed my enemy's first.


The next monster to die in round one was from my enemy's team and that was its third monster which became the first.


At the start of round two, my second monster and my enemy's second monster both die after my enemy attacked and received damage from the magic reflect.


Next, my enemy's last monster and my first monster died.


In round three, my monsters combined forces to kill my enemy's remaining monster giving me the victory.



Here is my battle link. Watch here how I took my enemy to battle and won.


Thank you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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