My memories from 2023: Those I hold dear

in HiveGhana6 months ago

Good morning hivers. How are y'all doing today?? Hope you are good.

Today I'll be sharing with you three memories I hold dear in my heart from 2023. In 2023 I was happy and sad.

Memories are such an important part of a person's life, and they can often evoke strong emotions, like happiness, nostalgia, or sadness.


Memories are the mental representations of past experiences that are stored in a person's brain. They can include images, sounds, smells, emotions, and other sensory details. Our memories help us to understand the world around us and make sense of our experiences. Memories can also influence our behavior and emotions in the present moment. In some ways, our memories define who we are. They can bring us joy, nostalgia, or sadness, depending on the memory itself.

The first memory that I hold dear in 2023 is a loss. I saw my mom breathe her last in 2023, though a painful one but a moment I cherish so much. We had plans but on the 12th of October 2023 all plans got terminated. It's really not been easy since I and my siblings lost her but God has really shown us mercy.


The second memory that I hold dear in 2023 is the day I got my new phone and laptop.I know people will ask what's so special about getting a new phone or laptop. People get new devices everyday but it was special for me because this was the first time I got those two devices. I've had a phone but it was always given to me not bought for me or bought myself, it was always given to me by someone.


I was happy because my hard work paid and I was able to get this devices and it really helped in my work, school and also hive. I started being consistent because I had no excuse again.

The third and last memory I hold dear is when I and my friends finished our 200 level. My 200 level was a very hectic one, I spent more money, my time, the lecturers really gave us a hard time, I lost my mom, my very close friend lost her dad and a lot of my coursemates lost their parents, some had terrible sickness and accidents.


A lot happened that made us so scared but I'm so happy I finished with all my coursemates and friends complete.

Thank you for stopping by.
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Best regards.


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Sorry about your mum, glad you had some amazing memories to cover the sad ones

Thank you so much 🙏

Sorry about your mom.

Thank you 😟

I'm sorry to hear about your mother, but I'm pleased you have some amazing memories to lighten the load.

Thank you so much 🙏

So sorry about your loss but i am excited you have other amazing memories to cover up for what u have lost.

Thank you dear

You have loads of memories that punctuated 2023 for you. It's sad that you had to see the death of your Mum. No one wants to see any of that, but death comes even when you don't ask for it.

The one above getting a new phone and laptop is really understandable. I also got a new phone and laptop last year and it has been very helpful in the work I do.

Thank you so much 🙏

Once you get these devices , the work load automatically seems light.

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Sorry about the loss of your mom.

I'm glad you got a new phone and laptop.