#LIL: La vieja y la araña. Un collage para contribuir cinco imágenes rojas para la Biblioteca de Imágenes de #LMAC

in Let's Make a Collage9 months ago

Es un gusto conocerte. Soy @suspiria. Este es mi primer collage en esta forma de existencia.

It's nice to meet you. I'm @suspiria. This is my first collage in this form of existence.

Separador de suspiria.png

La vieja y la araña.jpg

Este collage se trata de una vieja voladora, como le dicen en mi pueblo, tal vez en el tuyo la llamarían bruja. Ella acaricia su mascota. En otros tiempos a esa mascota la hubieran llamado familiar, y la vieja bruja hubiera sido quemada en la hoguera.
Hoy en día nadie le teme a una vieja bruja con su mascota y una flor en la cabeza. Tal vez le harían videos y fotografías para las redes sociales...
Pero no te engañes.

This collage is about a flying old woman, as they call her in my town, maybe in yours they would call her a witch. She caresses her pet. In other times that pet would have been called familiar, and the old witch would have been burned at the stake.
Today no one is afraid of an old hag with her pet and a flower on her head. Maybe they'd take videos and pictures of her for social media....
But don't be fooled.

Separador de suspiria.png

voladora 1vestida.png

Compuse este collage para acompañar una contribución para la Biblioteca de Imágenes de #LMAC. De ambas maravillas he tenido noticias a través de @adncabrera.
Para fabricar a la bruja utilicé el programa Make Human. Luego junté y modifiqué todo en GIMP.
Abajo coloco los recursos usados y luego mi contribución a #LIL.

I composed this collage to accompany a contribution to the #LMAC Image Library. I heard about both wonders from @adncabrera.
To make the witch I used the program Make Human. Then I put together and modified everything in GIMP.

Below I post the resources used and then my contribution to #LIL.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

Fotografía cortesía de @adncabrera, todos los permisos fueron otorgados, realizada con su celular Redmi Note 9



Separador de suspiria.png

Cinco imágenes rojas para #LIL

Red heart heart, red, dish, bell pepper, rocoto, fire, hot
Red bottle bottle, juice, beet, red, liquid, beverage, glass
Red flower flower, rose, red, natural, petal
Abstract red public sculpture sculpture, sculpture, red, public space, ornament
Abstract red public sculpture sculpture, sculpture, red, public space, ornament



flor roja.png

escultura roja.png

barco rojo.png

Separador de suspiria.png

Soy @suspiria y estoy en todas partes...


Hi @suspiria

Thank you for your contribution to the LMAC contest.

Please note that it is required to add a link that leads to the contest announcement in your collage post.
But it's not too late. Please just reply to this comment and mention a moderator when you have added it.

Thanks for supporting the LMAC with your time and creativity!

BTW: Good idea to combine LIL and LMAC in your post. 👍

💬If you have further questions about the LMAC or the LIL please leave a comment or come right over to our dedicated Discord at:

📢 >>> https://discord.gg/F6Sq2vfY <<< 📢

Admired #LMAC team, I'm not competing this time. Although I know the call for entries 195 is open, I am just contributing to the Image Library of this wonderful community: #LIL.

I will be very careful to follow the rules when competing.
Thank you very much for your kind attention to my post.