LMAC #196 | HIVE reaches every corner of the planet.

My collage

Welcome everyone to this, my second participation in this community Let's Make a Collage, to the call of the challenge LMAC #196, which I discovered thanks to my virtual friend @adncabrera.

Proposed image @FPMdZKe in @lmac challenge

Like many, I am a lover of nature, of silence, of fresh air; hence my mosaic relates to an environment of plains, domestic animals and fruit trees. I also wanted to reflect that HIVE has reached every corner of the earth bringing benefits to poor people. For this montage I used a total of ten (13) images from the collection suggested by @lmac. I hope you like it. Good luck to all participants in the second challenge of the year 2024.

You are new to the community, like me in this dynamic, I invite you to join the challenge. I remind you to detail the rules so that you don't have any inconvenience.

Let's Make a Collage

I ask @lmac, to please point out to me "if any" any lack of rules or omissions, since in the last round #195, my mosaic was not considered for voting.


  • Titles: CoolText
  • All assembly was done with Microsoft Office 365 Pro 2023 PowerPoint on Windows 11.
  • Translation Assistant; DeepL Pro



Hola @amigoponc, tu collage me pareció una buena propuesta, y una excelente idea al mostrarnos hasta donde ha llegado Hive. Te deseo suerte en el concurso.

I like this very much. It looks as though it was plucked from life, a scene you might see as you drive through the countryside.

Hey @amigoponc, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 192 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!