Success Cannot Be An Accident

in Cent2 months ago

A common topic that is in some cases taken lightly is the word ‘success’; this is normally use to describe a person as one who has accomplished a certain task, or has amassed some amount of money or fame. However, the true success is not luck or something that comes by mere mere chance. It is the fruits of a productive labor, commitment, and determination in the achievement of dreams and purposes.


It is quite alarming that most people especially the youth have this attitude of thinking that success is something that is made within a short period of time or just by being lucky. So the become victims of scammers because they want to make it quick, some think one day something can just happen and they will be fortunate and become rich. Hardly could this be any further from the truth. It is widely imagined that those people who managed to become successful in different spheres of their lives have to sacrifice and work for many hours on their way to achieving what they have now. They pay the price, being set back and they struggle to transform the hurdles into achievements.

Thus, success is not an outcome that can be obtained without working even if it may happen to you by chance one have to still work it out by making a willful, persistent and a learning ability to do something as a requisite. Those who succeed do know very well that the opposite is always the first step to the success. They do not quit because they can accept the fact that failure is a part of the process in reaching towards success.

Moreover, success does not lie in the accumulation of greatest amount of properties or gains nor in fame. Success in life is the ability to find and achieve success in one’s goals, to build a good and meaningful life, and to lived rationally and proactively. It is about a person being content with their occupation and social roles and following principles that the person holds dear.

Meaningful accomplishments also entail the attainment of a growth orientation which postulates that ability and intelligence are not fixed but can be developed through nurturing. The successful people realize that they have a lot to learn and they keep on aspiring for better and better positions and better and better skills. They listen to feedback and criticism and they are willing to change for the better all in the desire to be the best that they can be.

Thus the issue of success cannot be an accident. It is a fruit of passion, commitment, and sheer perseverance in achieving one’s dreams. It is also notable that successful people know that in order to be successful one must fail frequently and those willing to learn from these failures. Thus they have focus and direction, which entails charting out a course of action and working towards its implementation. It means that success is not equal to the accumulation of material things or people’s compliments, but happiness, having a good life, and leaving the world a better place. Success demands appreciable level of disposition to learn and develop that is, a positive attitude, attitude to change for the better and willingness to develop. This simply means that success is not a matter of waiting for the perfect environment, or conditions, or circumstances but a Guarantee success is a product of determination and dedication.

Thanks for reading


There's a big difference between luck and success. Luck can be seen also as fortune; an unplanned event that can change a man's status, condition, situation or entire life as the case may be.

Mohamed Ali didn't get lucky,
Thomas Edison didn't get lucky,
Jeff Bezos didn't get lucky,
Roosevelt didn't get lucky,
And the list continues...

Success comes in due course, after so much has been put in place; idea, planning, strategy, resources, labour, determination, focus, persistence etc.

Typically, success mostly comes with so much dignity after a few failures had already set in. Disappointments, discouragements and the likes usually forerun success.

In all, for one to be successful, there must be intentional planning and effective working with a high sense of determination and perseverance. Only with these and many more can real success be achieved.

success comes from intentional planning and dedication. Well said sir, thanks for stopping by

It is true that most people really want to be successful without counting the cost, success as you have explained already is not an accident one most work before getting it

Thanks for sharing this inspirational piece

You are saying nothing but the truth. We must come to the point of learning and waiting patiently before emerging. Thanks for stopping by

Luck has its own role it plays. But when it comes to success, there are demands. When opportunities meet a man, it's what you accumulated - hardwork, discipline, consistency etc that'll speak for you. Certainly, it's not an accident

Exactly bro, Luck may open doors, but it's the preparation and hard work that helps you walk through them and make the most of the opportunity. As the saying goes, "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."

Important points raised here. I see success as consistently doing a small thing. Those tiny efforts all compounds to a big result. It almost always won't be an accident!

Consistency is the key Small, steady efforts can lead to significant accomplishments over time. Thanks for stopping by